View Full Version : Doubt

07-21-2012, 05:48 AM
Hello ,can someone give advise or have the same thing as me I have a real problem with doubting myself at work with everything I do even tho I am good at what I do ,it's as tho I can't trust myself take make a decision on anything I do and always looking for reinsurance.anyone have the same problem ?

07-21-2012, 08:03 AM
I did used to be like that but am much better after discussing it all with my psychotherapist. We had several sessions in which she taught me how to trust in myself again. Do you see anyone you can chat to about it?

07-21-2012, 09:10 AM
I was seeing someone about my OCD but when I tryed setting out on my own I got a lot worse so rang them back up and now have to get referred again .i have a phone conversation on Monday to see if they can help me ,but they think I have GAD now and they was treating me for the wrong thing so could be a couple of months before I get to talk to them properly .so just trying to get through it and carry on until then it's really hard tho