View Full Version : cant sleep

07-21-2012, 12:20 AM
My back hurts, I'm dizzy, my mind won't stop thinking about the craziest stuff. I've taken both my medication that I take every night that usually get me tired enough to where I lay down, I can sleep; I don't know why its happening lately. I've been getting only 3-5 hours of sleep every night and its just making my anxiety worse the next day, all I want to do is stay home and lay in bed; I don't want no communication from the world. And if I do get up, its panic attack time. I don't know how much longer I can stand this :( I've been dealing with this forever, why is it making me miserable now? Maybe because I just lost my job a month ago? Who knows. Any advice would be appriceated, anything to make me less miserable.

07-21-2012, 12:30 AM
I've been having panic attacks for 6 months now. I used to feel the same way, just wanna stay home and want no communication. But lately I've tried my best to do everything I wanna do to enjoy my time. But staying home and seeing my family makes me depressed because they haven't been supportive. And most of my panic attacks I get these days at home.

07-21-2012, 12:44 AM
I'm sort of in the same boat, and that's why I started up my laptop just now. Made some Chamomile tea, poured some ice water too. and now, even though I feel exhausted, my eyes hurt, I feel dehydrated and sickly, I'm on here. Coming here seems to always make me feel better, as I often discover I'm not alone. I tried sleeping... but all I did was lay with my legs crossed, and my hands over my head, constantly worrying, trying to calm myself down, and getting really hot even though my room is cool.

I think the job part may be a part of it. Same happened to me a few months back, well... it was actually too stressful so I quit. But it has costed me greatly. I had my appendix out a month ago, and that's when all this anxiety first started. It got worse when I started seeing the bills, even with health insurance I still have to pay like 20% I guess. Adding everything up, it amounts to over $3,000. I normally only pay a $50 cell phone bill so this blew my mind. I think being out of work gives you more time to think which isn't good for us with anxiety issues, because that means more time to worry. At work, I remember having an anxiety attack ONCE, then all of the anxiety was gone completely until the appendix surgery after quitting the job.

Even though you don't want communication from the world, would it help at all if a family member or close friend were there to calm you and help you out? Perhaps that might be something to try. Also, maybe going to the doctor or a counselor?

As for here and now, to help relieve the anxiety, maybe try some tea, if you have any. Chamomile and green tea has worked wonders for me. Also ice water, drinking it and holding the glass to my temples helps. A bath or shower could help. As well as maybe watching a happy movie, something from childhood that brings good memories? Those are all the techniques I know of because they're the ones that help me. I hope I may have been of some help atleast. Perhaps it's good to know we're in similar boats too.

07-21-2012, 12:55 AM
It really helps when I communicate with my friend . I noticed that I don't have panic attacks when I'm enjoying my time.
And this helped soo much. I'm happy that I joined this forum cause it really makes u feel better when u know ur not alone.
It's 9:30 am and I couldn't sleep yet. I'm also tired and my eyes are burning, but I don't care as long as I don't get a panic attack

07-21-2012, 07:35 AM
A lot of my friends ditched me after I got on my xanax and paxil for my anxiety because at first, I was always tired. Now I can't sleep, and I have noone to talk to. Its like noone else here or around me knows how I feel beside when I'm on here.

07-21-2012, 11:26 AM
It's ok, you can always make new friends. Plus we are all here, we are ur friends, and we'll always understand how you feel.

07-21-2012, 06:41 PM
I'm so thankful for this forum. I don't know what id do without it. I guess always feel alone

07-21-2012, 06:44 PM
I'm sort of in the same boat, and that's why I started up my laptop just now. Made some Chamomile tea, poured some ice water too. and now, even though I feel exhausted, my eyes hurt, I feel dehydrated and sickly, I'm on here. Coming here seems to always make me feel better, as I often discover I'm not alone. I tried sleeping... but all I did was lay with my legs crossed, and my hands over my head, constantly worrying, trying to calm myself down, and getting really hot even though my room is cool.

I think the job part may be a part of it. Same happened to me a few months back, well... it was actually too stressful so I quit. But it has costed me greatly. I had my appendix out a month ago, and that's when all this anxiety first started. It got worse when I started seeing the bills, even with health insurance I still have to pay like 20% I guess. Adding everything up, it amounts to over $3,000. I normally only pay a $50 cell phone bill so this blew my mind. I think being out of work gives you more time to think which isn't good for us with anxiety issues, because that means more time to worry. At work, I remember having an anxiety attack ONCE, then all of the anxiety was gone completely until the appendix surgery after quitting the job.

Even though you don't want communication from the world, would it help at all if a family member or close friend were there to calm you and help you out? Perhaps that might be something to try. Also, maybe going to the doctor or a counselor?

As for here and now, to help relieve the anxiety, maybe try some tea, if you have any. Chamomile and green tea has worked wonders for me. Also ice water, drinking it and holding the glass to my temples helps. A bath or shower could help. As well as maybe watching a happy movie, something from childhood that brings good memories? Those are all the techniques I know of because they're the ones that help me. I hope I may have been of some help atleast. Perhaps it's good to know we're in similar boats too.

That helped me out a lot, it finally made me sleep a lil bit. Thanks so much!