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View Full Version : Im on my own :( . What sould i do ?!

07-21-2012, 12:20 AM
I've been diagnosed with panic disorder 6 months ago. Before I have been diagnosed my family was worried they thought i might have heart problems. But when they knew its panic no body have been by my side. If they saw me having a panic attack they keep laughing and telling me there's nothing is wrong with you. I really need someone by my side :( .. Only one of my friends knows about it and she's busy all the time. What should I do ?!

07-21-2012, 12:26 AM
I understand my family is kinda the same and my best friend that knows is always doing something to. When I'm having a anxiety problem I play games on my phone to detract me get on here or just text/talk to anyone I can I don't tell them wat I'm going threw just talk to help me calm down and think about other things

07-21-2012, 12:33 AM
I tried these things, and they worked very well, but sometimes you really need to be by supportive ppl and it makes me sad that the closest ppl to me are not understanding and not trying to

07-21-2012, 12:58 AM
That's what's great about this forum, it's filled with people just like you. I feel there is a fine line between supporting you and enabling you. Here I feel that people are supportive and can give some sound advice. Whereas, sometimes my family tends to coddle me, god bless their caring, but it's not helpful. You're not alone :)

07-21-2012, 12:59 AM
We are with you, friend. All of us here on this forum have similar problems :] This forum is like the song, "We are One" from The Lion King 2! If nobody around you at home is supportive, know that we here will stand by your side, filled with hope and with pride. Haha. . I'm sorry though, that your family laughs at you. I would be devastated! When I was at my friends house the other night, there were three of us, and we started to watch some horror movies on Netflix. now, I USED (pre-anxiety) be a huge horror fan. I'd watch all the horror movies I could and even turn off the lights and put on headphones for extra scare. Looking back, I feel that that habit may have contributed to this anxiety I have now x.X. But anyway, they thought I still liked them.. I tried to remain cool for as long as i could. I started to feel REALLY uncomfortable. I started to feel depersonalized, and I even tried closing my eyes and trying to distract myself with other thoughts, but eventually I just stood up, and said "FRESH AIR BREAK!" and they were like "wtf?" and I said "Need some fresh air, smells weird in this room." and I also grabbed a glass of ice water. As we neared the door, they kne something was up.

I looked my buddy in the eye and said "Dude, somethings wrong here. I feel like I'm gunna pass out..." and this was only my second panic attack so I still didn't know entirely what they felt like. After we got outside, and I took some deep breaths and sipped some water, I knew it was actually a panic attack I was having as I went into what I call "stage 2" which is where I start feeling better, and just tremble alot. They were so confused and thought I was crazy. I explained to them exactly how I felt. I told them what a panic attack was like for me.. the feeling of utter terror, the racing thoughts, the racing heart, the feeling of possibly losing control or passing out. They were like "damn...wow man, sorry." and I told them we just needed to calm me down, and they were cool, once they got an idea of what it was like, they helped.

Maybe telling your family about how it is might help them to understand that panic attacks are serious business for us. Maybe explain to your friend as well, that when a panic attack occurs, you would Greatly appreciate it if they took some time to just chill and talk with you a bit.

Know that people on this forum will always be here for you too, if not, I definitely will. Lol. I don't care if you're a complete stranger to me, we're all in the same boat here. :]

07-21-2012, 01:11 AM
Thank you sooo much it really makes me feel better.
I tried to tell my family this but they tell my that I'm just Imagining that.
My friends are being more supportive than my family. Yesterday they did everything to make me feel happy. They took me for paintball then bowling and then dinner. But the problem that I can't be with my friends all the time. It's summer vacation now but After that I'll be really busy with collage.

07-21-2012, 01:30 AM
You're welcome :D
Maybe sit down with the family member most likely to understand (once convinced a little), and say "Hey...look. This probably is my imagination, but it's working against me to amplify my fears. I know, I should be strong and push through it, but it's really, really, hard for me. I just would really appreciate it if you would support me in this. I can get through this, no problem, but it'll go a whole lot quicker with your support." Use please too :D That's how I convinced my mom. She was in the mind set that I could just overpower it with my mind, which it does work, but it comes back.

That's cool though, your friends sound awesome. I know it really helps when your with a group of friends, and also I know the problem when they're not around. I too will be back in college in the fall. I found that keeping busy, can keep my mind off of anxiety, is that the same with you? Also, are you in a dorm with a room mate or do you travel from home or online college? I stay in a dorm and depending on who my room mate is, usually just somebody being in a room with me can calm me down...unless they're really negative. Negativity sets off my anxiety, so if that happened I'd put in for a transfer.

If you haven't tried tea to help calm down when nobody is around, I'd recommend it. I just had an anxiety attack pass with a cup of chamomile tea, which hopefully will help me sleep in a few hours as well. Insomnia >.<

07-21-2012, 11:21 AM
I will try doing that and see what will they say.
Yes I don't get panic attacks when I'm busy. I'm a dental student , and i noticed I've never had a panic attack when I'm dealing with patients.
I'm staying home with my family cause the university is 1 hour away.

07-21-2012, 01:10 PM
Ah that's cool. My sister in law went for that and she loves it. But yeah, keep us updated.

07-21-2012, 06:53 PM
Will do. Thank u so much.