View Full Version : How Long Does The Stomach Nausea Last .. ughh

07-20-2012, 04:14 PM
Does anyone suffer nausea all day every day? I get the horrible nausea waking up in the morning. I sometimes get panic attacks which makes it worst and having just started taking anti-anxiety (generic Celexa) I know that can make it worst. I literally have no appetite and feel like I have a nervous nausea all the time through out the day. How do you subside this and get through? How long does it take before the nausea caused by the anti-anxiety medication subsides? Any info or helpful information is appreciated.

07-22-2012, 03:17 PM
I get horrible nausea all the time too! the key is, you have to accept it, if you're accepting it, then you're not stressing, if you're not stressing there is nothing to trigger the nausea. Your nausea is caused by stress, therefore if you accept it and try to forget it's there then you are not stressing, meaning the nausea will go away. You can't stop anxiety symptoms unless you take strong unnatural medication. goodluck:)