View Full Version : This Has Got To End ...

07-20-2012, 11:41 AM
I suffered with anxiety for many years and was on medication (effexor XR) for 8 years. I went off of it about a year ago because I wanted to lose weight and I really think the effexor was inhibiting my ability to do so. I've lost 100 pounds since last year. Although, just recently I've endured stress from work, stress regarding money and my house, again money. About 2 weeks ago I ended up with a terrible stomach flu and think that the beginning of my anxiety was when the flu hit so making it even worst. While I've recovered from the flu, my anxiety has not recovered. I'm constantly nauseous, wake up every morning with nausea in the pit of my stomach and almost always have diarrhea shortly after that. I have no appetite, not even so much to drink liquids, although I do force those. The nausea seems to come and go through out the day. I feel like I can cry at any given time. This morning I had a panic attack in the shower. I started having shortness of breath, my heart was beating very fast and I felt like I was blacking out and was going to pass out. I had to get out and lay down for about 45 minutes for it to all pass.

I did visit the ER when I had the stomach flu and let them know about the stress/anxiety. They did blood tests and all of my levels were fine. Yesterday I visited the ER again because I just could not deal with this nausea and they did a cat scan of my entire stomach/abdomen/pelvic area and all was fine. That's reassuring. They did give me a prescription for Bentyl and for phenergan for my stomach.

I am tired a lot of the time and feel like I could sleep the days away. I have a child though and need to be healthy and there for her, so I cannot let this consume my life.

My dr. did just prescribe me Celexa (generic version) 10mg to start taking and .5 Lorazepam. I just started taking the Celexa 2 days ago and my doctor did say it can cause nausea when you start taking it while it's building up in your system. Can the Celexa cause increased nausea the entire time it's building up in my body? I told her I didn't think the .5 Lorazepam was doing the trick, she said I could double up on it to take 1mg. of it.

I often times here a lot of gurgling & wooshing in my stomach too which concerns me, but I've read is not uncommon for a stressed out/anxiety stomach. I'm really hoping that once the Celexa take affect it will help me feel better. I start to think that since my stomach has not really recovered since the stomach flu that maybe it's something more. Although I'm fairly certain it's the anxiety, stress & nerves & it did help to get some reassurance from the ER when knowing my blood was all fine and the catscan was fine too. I think that is anxiety related too - thinking there's something more wrong with me when there really isn't.

It's all very hard to deal with. I like to think of myself as a strong person, but even as I write/type this I have tears in my eyes wondering how I can be weak and not able to deal with this and why I can't be more thick skinned and let it all just roll off my shoulders.

I would love to get some reassurance that what I'm struggling through is typical to anxiety & stress and I'm not the only person who deals with this. I'd love to hear of some things others do to get through as well. I've had no luck with breathing techniques, relaxation techniques as I can't get myself to relax and or exercise even helping at this point because I don't feel comfortable going to the gym when I literally have nothing on my stomach. Any tips on how to calm your stomach? Has anyone ever taken Bentyl or Phenergran for dealing with anxiety stomach related issues?

Thanks for listening, sorry it ended up being so long.

07-22-2012, 01:38 PM
Oh, honey. You're preaching my story. I know EXACTLY how you feel. Just know that it WILL get better, but you have to let it and give it time. I'm on generic Celexa to and I started noticing a difference after about 2 weeks. I didn't have any stomach problems while I was adjusting, other than the stomach problems I already had.

Listen to me very carefully: you are NOT weak and being more "thick skinned" isn't going to solve anything. The biggest wake-up call I had during this process was when I realized my anxiety disorder was not my fault, but that I WAS causing myself so much extra suffering and getting in the way of my own healing by being afraid.

Above all, you are not alone. You story sounds so similar to mine that I could cry. That's what forums like this are for, so keep reaching out. :)

You have to ask yourself "what's the worst that can happen?" and deal with the answers. For example, if you don't want to eat because you feel sick the worst that can happen is you will throw up. Okay, but would that really feel any worse than you already do now? Try to find a "comfort food" that makes you feel safe and try eating that. For me it's a PB&J. No matter what, I can always force myself to eat that, even if it's only one nibble at a time over the course of an hour. Or if you can't handle the idea of a solid food, try to drink a protein shake or chicken broth or gatorade, something with some nutreints. The longer you go withouf food, the more nauseated you will feel from low blood sugar.

Once you are able to start eating a little bit even when you don't want to, you'll start to realize that most of it is in your head and you can actually be in control of your body. You may even be suprised to realize that you actually feel better after eating instead of worse. Try to ignore any odd stomach noises or feelsings. Remind yourself that these are perfectly natural and are not an indication that your are sick. I know it's hard for people like us, but we have to tune out of our bodies more and concentrate on outside experiences. If you're hypervigalant about every sensation you feel than you will never feel completely good or normal.

07-22-2012, 06:41 PM
Hello, I know how you feel! I had a bad bout of stomach flu a few years ago but that was before I realised I had anxiety. I constantly felt nauseous! Worst still, it was during school period and I had to always excuse myself to go to the sick bay. I went to several gps a couple of times and they prescribed me with anti nauseous medicine but it didn't work at all. I think I had actually recovered from the stomach flu but I still felt nauseous.

One night, I had difficulty breathing and my limbs felt weird(like no strength? Dont rly knw hw to explain, just this weird feeling) so my mum brought me to the A&E. I was hooked onto a nebulizer, I felt calm and so at peace and my breathing was backed to normal. I was prescribed with antacid and an inhaler thing(I forgot the name of it). The docs think that i was having heartburn at that point in time. In fact, I think all these things all in the mind! I have actually recovered but I constantly keep thinking that im not well that's why the symptoms stayed.

Sadly, after the A&E visit I was still feel nauseous but I had no more breathing difficulty. Since I feel bloated always, my mom gave me some chi herb powder thing(it tasted minty) which supposedly removes the gas in your stomach. I took it for a few weeks and I gradually felt better I believe it acts as a placebo only. I recovered from my so called 'heartburn'. Since then, whenever i was nervous, i felt nauseous :( which is inhibiting me greatly :(

A few mnths ago i had so much stress to handle and I snapped! I came to realise that Im suffering frm anxiety. Ever since i was on anti psychotic meds and xanax too. These meds took time for the effectiveness to kick in. So, for the first two weeks on medication, I felt like crap and thought the medication was useless. However I'm gradually feeling much better so you WILL feel better in time! :) you should also let your doc know how do you feel about the medication and maybe ask your doc to knw about the medication too. For eg, does it take time for the effectiveness to kick in? What are the side effects that I should be concerned of? Etc

The most important thing is to convince yourself that you are well already! I know it is hard but it really takes time. Are you stressed about anything at the moment? That might be the cause. One period, my mom was feeling nauseous all the time and she went for an endoscopy but in fact her stomach is healthy and the doc couldnt find any prob w it. It was merely due to stress at work. Ever since she has regained her appetite!

Sweets can also help to curb nauseousness too but only for a short while but too much sweet is not good. Best is to Drink small sips of water, it actually helps me to relieve my nauseousness slightly. ALWAYS remember you have to be HYDRATED!

If you find difficulty in eating solid food and to have complete meals, you can eat several small meals of 'soft food'. I took congee (as a staple). You can search online to see which food is healthy and easy to swallow lol. FOOD is also important!

Have you tried breathing techniques? I heard it helps to calm you down but I've nvr tried it lol.

Religion has also helped me tremendously in relieving my anxiety symptoms too but it really depends on an individual's personal belief.

Anyway, do know that you WILL be better, just that it takes time. Be strong and God bless :)