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07-20-2012, 10:53 AM
I started suffering from anxiety in college and I am now 41. Not really what I would call panic attacks but sometimes these bouts of diarrhea and retching after waking up on days that I knew that were going to be stressful (finals!!). I learned to deal with it and never spoke to anyone about it.

About 8 years ago, after the birth of my daughter, I started developing what I would call a panic attacks. I had just started a new job, which I found to be stressful, lack of sleep, heavy caffeine use. I went to the emergency room thinking that I was having a heart attack. I was told it was brought on by stress. My doctor prescribed me .5mg of alprazolam to use as needed. He says I get it naturally because my mother has the same problems with anxiety.

I would have minor bouts every now and then when I travel some place new or have a stressful situation in my life. And as soon as that event was over, it was like a switch was flipped and my anxiety immediately went away.

Two weeks ago, I visited my doctor for some abdominal pains and he requested a CT Scan. I had to wait a week for my appointment was really worried about this (is it cancer, am I dying?) but while taking the alprazolam at night helped some but I was only getting about 4 hours of sleep.

The CT scan came back normal but by chance, a small 4mm nodule was located on my left lung. Not really having any risk of it being cancerous the doc says that I should get it monitored annually for growth for two years, if it grows, they take it out. If it doesn't grow they leave it alone. No big deal. But I continue to worry about it (there is still a slim chance it could be cancerous, what if my life is ending, maybe there are other nodules in my lungs that weren't identified on the partial CT scan.) I cannot stand of having to go through a FULL YEAR before they do another CT Scan to look for growth.

After getting my results, I told my doc that I was pretty stressed out and hadn't been sleeping well so he gave me some Ambien which I haven't taken yet because I read somewhere that it could bring on panic attacks.

For the past four days I have had severe panic attacks where all I want to do is lay down and sleep. I don't even feel like getting out of bed in the morning or playing with my two beautiful children at night.

I feel that stress from work along with the stress from my medical results and my lack of sleep is about to push me over the edge!!

I have started taking my .5mg alprazolam three times a day and it helps, but this is not something that I want to continue as I have read that benzo's can become addictive. Yesterday, I woke up feeling kinda bad so I took my pill. I felt great when I should have taken my second one but skipped it. Then, about 7:00 last night the panic kicked in again.

I really feel that I should go to speak to a therapist about this because I don't want this to turn into depression.

Any suggestions on how to cope please??

07-20-2012, 12:13 PM
I am so sorry and can completely relate to what you're experiencing. My anxiety goes on overload when it has anything to do regarding my health. I posted recently that I had a stomach flu. I've had plenty of stomach flu's in my life, they tend to last a day or 2 and then they're gone. This one hung on for 5+ days. At day 5 I was terrified that there was something more wrong with me. Not even having health insurance I made my way to the ER. I had recently (just before enduring the stomach flu) been dealing with an influx of stressful situations and think that the stomach flu coupled with what the stresses that I had been enduring jumped started the anxiety and kicked it into full gear and so I probably was done with the stomach flu 1-3 days after having it, but then continues to suffer with symptoms that mimic the stomach flu, but that are caused by anxiety, i.e. nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea, etc. so I thought for sure there was something more wrong with me. The ER treated me for dehydration and said that I was probably suffering from a lot of stress/anxiety related symptoms. The did blood work which was all clear. I've since still been suffering from anxiety and it destroys my stomach. Destroys it is an understatement. I wake every morning with a huge knot in the pit of my stomach, nausea and then usually it's diarrhea shortly after that. This morning I added a panic attack to the mix. A few days ago I finally contacted my doctor and she prescribed me some anti-anxiety medication along with some Lorazepam. Yesterday I again went back to the ER because my stomach was just a mess and I was convinced there was something more going on. They did a full panel cat scan to include my lungs, stomach, lower abdomen and pelvic area and everything looked perfect they said. Yes it's reassuring to hear that, but still irritating as all heck to know I'm suffering with this damn nausea, which I'm sure is all anxiety related.

I would be in the same boat as you, which I know is not any reassurance to you at all - but maybe knowing there are others out there who can relate to you and react like you do it might be reassuring. I don't think when it comes to your health there is anyone who can reassure you. I think it almost is a situation where you have to make yourself understand what's going on and believe that everything will work out like it's supposed to.

I have too been concerned about the addiction factor to Lorazepam, but at this point I'm willing to take whatever it is (within reason) that will help me feel better.