View Full Version : Im a mess

07-20-2012, 09:39 AM
Hi people I'll make this short as possible. I've always had health anxiety but I'd learnt to cope with it. A few weeks I began to worry about a friend who was unwell, she has now improved.

For the last week I've been lightheaded, lost my appetite, nausea and a bit off balance.

I've convinced myself that something serious is going on or I'm having a nervous breakdown.

I'm a 29 year old male, healthy and exercise regularly.

Thank you.

07-20-2012, 10:17 AM
Exercise on no appetite isn't good, do you eat before a work out? The light headed feeling may be through not eating enough and then sweating etc in the gym? I get these bouts on occasion, I generally worry about everything which causes your symptoms frequently. I hope your ok, have you been to the doc about your concerns?

07-20-2012, 10:38 AM
I've an appointment next week and will have bloods done. My main concern is being lightheaded, if that was to leave I don't think I'd be worrying as much.

Thank you very much for replying and I hope you're feeling good.

07-20-2012, 12:03 PM
I'm lightheaded allot to... But it's only when my anxiety has hit me... I have allot of symptoms along with that. But like u the light headedness bugs me the most. I've had MRI s done blood test all normal. So I think untill we learn to get our anxiety under control then maybe hopefully the symptom will disappear

07-20-2012, 03:32 PM
Thank you Pawlowski for your reply. Light headedness wasn't a symptom I had in the past. However it's only the last week or 2 it has appeared.

07-20-2012, 04:19 PM
I get it off an on ... I feel faint or like I'm gonna pass out. So I try to drink lots of water and eat healthy snacks threw out the day ... It does help for me