View Full Version : Should I be Concerned?

07-20-2012, 07:17 AM
Well this is my first post here and I don't really know where to start. Basically I know that I suffer from Anxiety although I've never actually been 'diagnosed' with it. My GP knows I get anxious about things but she doesn't know just how much it affects me and that it has all my life (since a small child). As a result I find it hard to be impartial/reasoned/calm about anything to do with my health and at the moment I have a few health 'issues' which I don't know if I should be concerned about or not. To put it more accurately, I am concerned, it's on my mind almost every minute of every day and fear death is minutes away all the time but the more rational part of my brain says that I shouldn't be concerned or at least not as concerned as I am.

I know I can't get a diagnosis here and I'm not expecting one - part of my problem is that I don't believe a diagnoses as I always expect the worse - I suppose I'm just looking for opinions, reassurance other peoples experience, and perhaps some guidance.

Before I describe what is happening now it would probably be useful if I give you all some background info.

I had a fairly traumatic childhood and spent much of it feeling anxious and also turned to food for comfort. As a result I became fat and stayed that way all my life. Because of this I always thought as a child/teenager that I would probably die young and that it would be from a heart attack and so anything to do with my heart just terrifies me and makes me think that I am being proved right. Pathetic I know.

Jumping ahead 20+ years I had a bit of a health scare when I was in my late 20's (I'm about to turn 40) when I developed a growth on my back. Stupidly I was too scared to see my GP and as it got bigger and bigger I became convinced that it must be cancer and that as I had now left it so long I was done for. As the months went on I started getting heart palpitations that became so bad that I could barely move without my heart performing a drum roll and/or feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest. I finally went to my GP (about my heart) and described the symptoms. He took my blood pressure and it was raised and asked if I was anxious about anything. It was at that stage that I mentioned the growth on my back. He took one look at it and said "oh that's nothing, I can snip that off now for you if you like?". The very second he said that something very strange happened, I literally felt every single bit of stress drain from my body from my head down to my toes literally like a wave washing over me, almost like a rush of blood to the head but in reverse. The relief was massive! He put me on a short course of beta blockers for the blood pressure and said that the palpitations and raised BP were all due to stress but that yes I should loose some weight. Before I even took the first pill the palpitations had completely stopped but I finished the course. As a precaution he also sent me to the hospital to have a 12 lead ECG/EKG but this came back completely normal.

For the next 10 years I had my BP checked every year and it was always normal and never had any heart palpitations but I continued to pile on the pounds.

Then about 4 years ago I started getting palpitations again and went to my new GP who again took my BP and found it to be raised around 150/80. I was then put on some Ace Inhibitors which I'm still on but one of the side effects was that I do get the odd dizzy spell which I never had before I took the drugs. Over the course of a few months my GP performed a number of 12 lead ECG/EKG to check my heart but because I never had a palpitation when they were done everything looked completely normal. Then one day they did manage to capture a palpitation on the ECG and told me that it had picked up something but they didn't know what it was and referred me to the hospital. The hospital performed a 24hr ECG which recorded dozens of palpitations and they also did an ultrasound of my heart. When I saw the consultant at the end he simply said that there was nothing wrong with my heart and that some peoples hearts just does this and there's no explanation for it and that basically I should just ignore it and get on with my life. I didn't find this at all reassuring as I wanted to know why it was happening and more importantly I wanted it to stop as it scares the hell out of me and plays havoc with my anxiety levels! At the same time as all of this my GP also noticed that my cholesterol level was high and as by this time I was just over 20 Stone (280lbs) I started a diet lost around 4 stone and my BP came down to almost normal as did my cholesterol level. During all of this, I can't remember the exact chronology of it I told my GP that I was getting 'chest pains' and said that 'pain' was the wrong word, more like sensations. The 'pain' I was getting was very short (a second at most) sharp twinges and/or duller almost muscle like twinges again lasting just a second. As I wasn't getting short of breath, no pains down the arms etc etc she said that it was almost certainly nothing and dismissed it.

By now I was around 16 stone (224lbs) and feeling much better but then my wife and I faced a very traumatic time when after 7 years of fertility treatment we decided that we had to stop. This hit us like a ton of bricks and my anxiety levels went through the roof and I put all the weight back on over the next 18 months! During this time I also started having counseling which seemed to help but then one day my wife and I were on a city break to Bath and I thought I felt fine, completely relaxed, nothing on my mind and enjoying myself. All of a sudden whilst walking around the Roman Baths my heart started racing incredibly fast and irregularly, I felt light headed and was terrified that this was the heart attack I've always been expecting. I went to Accident and Emergency at Bath hospital who performed tests and found that my BP was very high 170/100 (much higher than usual which by now was around 130/80) and my heart rate was around 190bpm. Apart from that though they could fine nothing wrong with me and effectively said that they thought it was 'just' a panic attack. I was discharged and by the time I got back to the hotel I felt completely fine.

So bringing it up to the present day. My BP is around 140/80 but my cholesterol is high again. My GP isn't worried about it because he said that it went down when I lost weight but I am. I worried about it because I can't help but think that whilst the ECG and Ultrasound of my heart showed there was nothing wrong with it that perhaps I have narrowing of the arteries due to my cholesterol level! I started another diet 2 weeks ago and have already lost around 7lbs partly through diet and partly due to the fact that we have turned our conservatory into a gym having purchased a treadmill and a rowing machine which I use 4 times a week for 45 minutes a time. I also use a chest strap heart rate monitor just so I can keep a track of my heart rate. Anway since using the 'gym' I've noticed that I'm getting 'chest pains' again. Again pain is too big a word, sensations are more accurate. They are all on the left hand side, the occasional one or two in the middle or on the right hand side. All only last for a second and are either sharp or dull like a pulled muscle. One in particular is in my left shoulder blade on my back which initially feels like it's in my chest but then I realise is on my back. This feels exactly like a pulled muscle and I logically I believe it is as I do suffer with back problems and my left shoulder is frequently giving me problems. The other 'pains' seem to happen all over the left side. I don't get any pain going up the neck, in the jaw etc. Needless to say this has done my anxiety the world of good and yet again I'm fearing a heart attack every few minutes. The logic part of my brain is saying "you are just unfit and your body is just feeling the strain of exercise" because I never have any problems in exercising, I never get chest pains, never feel weak, out of breath, it never gets worse with exercise or improve when I stop. Bizarrely it mostly happens when I'm not doing anything like sat on the train, watching TV etc. When I'm at work I'm often so busy that I either don't notice it or it goes away but I'm now so acutely aware of every twinge that even the most innocuous 'twinge' makes me feel stressed.

Should I be worried? There's a part of me that wants to see the GP but there is also a part of me that doesnt. I don't because if they tell me it's nothing I won't believe them and I also don't want to pander to my anxiety. I know my anxiety is now beginning to control my life more and more and so I don't want to give in to every fear and concern. Also, being completely honest, I feel embarrassed to be like this and find it very hard to ask for help. I know my GP doesn't know how much anxiety affects my life but I find it hard to actually open up and tell her. I feel like I want to scream "give me some drugs!" to stop me worrying about everything but I don't even know if there are any drugs that would do this.

Many apologies for the length of this post, I've just been bottling this up for a few weeks now and it kinda came flooding out!

07-21-2012, 05:22 AM
If its something that worries you then go to your doctors -nothing will help until you get answers- tell the doctor how your feeling and take it from there xx

07-21-2012, 05:32 AM
I had this in my left side ... Thought it wash heart so saw my Gp , it was bursitis in my shoulder but has referred pain but anxiety made me think the worst:( go and see your doctor and put your mind at rest:) good luck

07-21-2012, 05:33 AM
Oops was not wash😊

07-21-2012, 08:57 AM
I had a panic attack one day when I wasn't even thinking about anything. Just driving in my car, and all of a sudden, I had the tunnel vision, saw spots, my heart was doing backflips, I swore I was dying. I made it home safe, tried to lay down, but couldn't. I got up an did nothing but pace. All I knew is that I didn't want to go to sleep because I was afraid I would never wake up. So panic attacks can come from out of nowhere. My advice is work with your doctor on loosing weight, and maybe see a psychologist regurally. Perhaps suppressed memories from your childhood have not been forgotten.

07-21-2012, 10:57 AM

Blimey... this has to be the longest post ever in the history of long posts, lol

Sorry to hear of your traumatic childhood and of course the issues that have spawned from it. You've clearly had a rough ride.

There's a mixed bag of things going on here and you absolutely need to be logical (not emotional) in your steps toward a resolve.
For example, you MUST NOT be scared of the doctors for obvious reasons.

Most if not all of us anxious folk can relate to the physcial pains and mental tonture anxiety brings.
We can also relate to rarely or never being satisfied with doctors opinions.

The palpitations you describe are most likely ALL down to anxiety, or at least one of the transient, physical symptoms that occur once "fight or flight" mode has been activated.
From my own, personal experience, I can categorically say that it only takes an instantaneous, flashing thought to directly trigger a palpitation.
Rather like an injection of electrical current that causes the old ticker to wobble.

Speaking of wobble... note that the heart is VERY sensitive. It is EASILY aggitated.
Many people experience palps while lying on their left side or other phyical stances - purely because the left lung, tissue & fat in front of the heart are forced within close proximity of it.
Some really unfortunate folk experience palps maybe a dozen times a day for no obvious reason.

I don't mean to be rude, but you mention you are over weight. It could be that the excess fat on your chest is encroaching the heart area. Tickling it from time to time.

Stating the obvious though... lose the weight and live a healthier life style. You'll feel SO much better - physically and mentally.

Get a proper scan of your arteries so you can put this worry to bed.

Believe in the doctors & for gawds sake don't be affraid of 'em.

Try not to worry (yeah - easy for me to say, huh?)

07-21-2012, 02:26 PM
I was like you, having heart attack fears, but unlike you, I actually had a few abnormal EKGs...so they scheduled me for a cardiac stress test. Thank GOD it came back normal, and in fact, the doctor said I did extremely well on the test. As far as the could see, there were no issues. I take BP meds to regulate my BP and exercise. I also take meds to help with my panic disorder. I STILL get heart palps sometimes though....but I try not to focus too much on them though...sometimes I get a tight feeling in my chest when I get stressed, but I try my best not to dwell on it, busy myself with other activities, and the bad feeling always seems to go away. Perhaps if you are truly worried about your heart, you should get your cholesterol checked, then inquire about getting a cardiac stress test. All it entails is you being hooked up to a machine and walking or running on a treadmill.
Good luck to you friend.

07-21-2012, 05:19 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies it is very much appreciated. I think by writing everything down and also having a long chat with my wife has helped a lot as whilst the 'pains' are still there they have diminished and I feel like I'm starting to get control back a bit again. I will take everyones advice and see my GP for reassurance but also to talk to her about my anxiety and see if she can offer any help either through CBT or drugs as my anxiety does seem to be getting worse, not better and I really can't live my life like this any longer. Whilst I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone, it's nice to know that I'm not alone or going mad! Thanks everyone again!

07-21-2012, 07:26 PM
From what iv read you seem to have a fear of dying my friend alot like all us on here, have you taken any meds Xanax to came you down, first of I'd get rid of your heart monitor And stop monitoring your heart it's fine uv been told this just say tat over and over in your head

07-21-2012, 07:27 PM
Your havin panic attacks I get dizzy spells and think I'm going to die we just gotta believe it's nothing