View Full Version : Great day back at work!!!

07-19-2012, 11:49 PM
Hey guys. I went back to work today after 6 months of not working. To share a lil background info, i slipped into an anxiety flare up and for 4 months i was very depersonalized, constantly anxious. symptoms included: dissociated, insomnia, body aches, dizziness, heart pounding, obsessive worry and thoughts, agoraphobia, depressed, suicidal, hopeless. Unable to drive, spent weeks straight in my house. Thought id never feel better. But i did, slowly but surely.

Today i went back to work. I thought id have time to be able to adequately prep myself, but as life would have it, i returned to work under the worst conditions possible. For one, i had 3-4 hours of sleep last night. Woke up at 615am. Took a very stressful test at my college, 4 hours from my job. I then drove back to my house/where my job is. It torrentiay poured most of the drive like it does in florida this time of year. The usual 4 hours took over 5. I got home with enough time to grab a quick snack, get dressed and rush to work. Now at this point i have SEVERAL panic triggers on my plate: being sleep deprived, being hungry, running late, anticipation anxiety about my first day back. Not to mention, my biggest depersonalization trigger in the past has been the flourescent lights at a supermarket. The cherry on top was my 9.5 hour shift as a cashier on my feet after not being used to it from not working in 6 months.

So i get there. Nothing bad happens. All my coworkers give me a warm welcome. I keep myself relaxed. Have a bottle of water near me. Sure, im tired and would rather be at home sleeping but i get a burst of energy from the confidence high of being at work. Anyway, i just got off of work. Im about to pass out so good in my bed. Now that ive returned to work i feel even mlre back to normal. I was so bad off just a couple months ago. My days would consist of me curled up in a ball crying, too scared to even shower. I hope this gives some of you hope!!

All the best!

07-20-2012, 01:29 AM
That's great news! I was like you and was off for 6months and just returned a month ago- so far so good and no panics or weird feelings! I am also really tired but it's better being tired from doing a hard days work than being tired due to exhaustion from anxiety. Go us! x

Serenity 7
07-20-2012, 02:07 AM
thats what i like to hear.i have been of 7 months.and really want to go back but im terrified.your story has given me confidence

07-20-2012, 04:35 AM
Great news I'm hittin a new job soon and will take great confidence from your experience good on ya

07-23-2012, 01:30 PM
You guys can do it!!! I just worked three days in a row 1-11 as a cashier at a grocery store. Surrounded by all my triggers i didnt panic a single time! Anxiety can kiss my ass im done with it and all its tricks. Im back baby yeaaaa...

U have to find your peace with it and ralize uve got ur own unique symptoms and as they keep repeating remember the familiarity and talk yourself down during panic like "ive felt this before, it will pass and ill get a rush of endorphans and feel shakey and good afterwards"

07-23-2012, 10:53 PM
Glad to hear things went well with you. Must of been such a relief after work yeh? I woulda been smiling all the way home. I'm looking to get back working again too soon, been applying for all kinds of jobs. Best luck to us all :D We can beat this Anxiety! Raise your tea cups in the air :P

07-24-2012, 11:53 AM
Great to here to I started my new job today I stuck it out I hope it continues I was anxious but I hope and pray in time my anxiety diss appears keeping myself busy great news btw

07-24-2012, 11:09 PM
Yes ace its an awesome feeling driving home, even tho my feet always hurt! And kyle, keep hanging in there. Anxiety goes up and down and youll emerge from the bad parts a stronger person :)