View Full Version : Relax
07-19-2012, 08:51 AM
CAn anyone give me some tips on relaxation - meditation??? Tell me what works for you
07-19-2012, 12:47 PM
I would highly recommend learning any relaxation techniques. Not a cure, but helps.
Just like there are chemicals to whine you up, you can call up the chemicals that help you relax.
07-19-2012, 01:03 PM
Hi Chrisz how do you deal with the chemicals?? I've cut out all caffeine use and that has helped but not enough
07-19-2012, 03:54 PM
A general anesthetic or enough tranquilizer to knock out an adult elephant will probably do the trick... but this is NOT recommended.
No, seriously...
Known calming tricks of the anxious trade are:
o Stop pacing around like a cat on hot bricks and sit or lay still
(Laying on the ground is not recommended in the work place... you will be mocked by your colleagues)
o Generally, SLOW DOWN. Take it easy. There's no rush
o Try to keep focus on what you are doing. Our minds tend to drift off and think, nasty anxious thoughts... so try to keep these at bay by
o Deep, slow breathing using the belly (look this technique up)
When in panic or fear mode, we tend to take short, shallow breaths. By deep breathing, we keep our oxygen levels up and also trick the mind
into thinking we're NOT actually in panic mode
o Some say sipping water helps
o Distraction is a brilliant one. Throwing yourself into a conversation with someone will often take your mind away from anxious thoughts
o Be punctual to wherever you need to go. E.g. if going to work, don't leave it until the last minute and hack up the road doing 100MPH trying to get to
work on time. This can start you off!
Allow plenty of time and again, take it easy.
o Visit friends or family if you're alone & a little anxious (distraction)
o If anxious or if experiencing physical symptoms. Remind yourself what is happening & reassure yourself it's not a physical illness.
o Meds of course (e.g. Beta-blockers to reduce adrenalin) or Benzos if needs must
... there may be others I've missed...
07-20-2012, 10:34 AM
Love it dazza love it xx
Too scared to have a general or I'd try it lol
Thanks for the tips
jon mike
07-21-2012, 03:20 PM
07-22-2012, 01:17 PM
This is one of my favorite exercises to do before going to sleep.
Lay flat on your back, arms down at your side, legs stretched flat. Start with your toes and curl them as tightly as you can. Hold it for 5 seconds as you inhale through your nose. Then relax your toes with a big exhale through your mouth. Move up into your calves, thighs, back, arms, face, etc. Always start at the bottom and work your way up. It's amazing how relaxed it makes your muscles feel! If you're good at imagery, try to imagine stress and tension in your body as an angry red fluid. Every time you tense and release, you are squeezing it out the top of your head, like an empty tube of toothpaste. (It may not be poetic, but it does the trick!).
I even use a shorter version (clenching toes, legs, fingers and then arms) anytime I feel too stressed during the day.
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