View Full Version : Panic attacks and anxiety

07-18-2012, 05:12 PM
Hi I'm 26 I'm been suffering with high anxiety and an uptight feeling in certain situations for quite some time, iv had trauma in my life and I no this is behind it, iv been to a councillor and am stil in attendance iv been prescribed Xanax as many users on here will be familiar with, but I only take them once in a blue moon when I'm bad, as I no there addictive, anyways iv a new job coming up and I'm dreading it Caz I'm building myself up so much, for whatever reason, I'm just looking for tips and feedback from fellow sufferers it's crazy I no but sometimes I'm perfect then bang thanks

07-18-2012, 05:49 PM
Don't think about anxiety so much ..if your gonna have an attack just walk yourself threw it by saying its just an attack nothing more ..breath and try not to get yourself so worked up. The more you keep busy the more your mind won't be in thinking mode on "what if" . Trust me I've had the worse of worst. I was to the point were I didn't wanna leave my house I was bed ridding for awhile but it's only because I let it take control of me. Now I'm more relaxed and now how to think.. But I have my bad days that's when I give in and take a anxiety pill to relax me . Just hang in there and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here :)

07-19-2012, 04:17 AM
Thanks alot yes my mind runs away with me, as I said I have a new job coming up and I'm thinking what if I have a big panic attack in there Wat will I do etc etc but I no it will be great for me as it wil keep my mind busy, Iv to much time on my hands therefore to much time to think of negativity, iv been fighting threw the panics recently and goin on walks as I no physical exercise releases stress levels

07-19-2012, 04:40 AM
I think you'll find that as with many cases, the worry about starting a new job will be more than what it is worth.

Work is my saving grace. I am fortunate enough to LOVE what I do and it keeps me super busy, even though it can be stressful at times.

I have had high anxiety at work, but I always have a spare Valium on me and I can work myself out of an attack in about 10 minutes through breathing and walking or working through it.

Good luck with your new job, I'm sure you'll do amazing!

07-19-2012, 07:04 AM
The what if's can always get you. Try to think what if the job is excellent, what if you really love it. Like Laurandisorder does, a spare Valium might be a good idea as a safety net.

Best of luck on the new job!

07-19-2012, 08:32 AM
The walks help a lot. . And don't think so much . When. You start thinking negative get up and walk around go watch a TV show. Focus on what your gonna wear to work or how exciting its gonna be to start work! Try some relaxing tea in the morning it will help :) and yes making blessings on your new job :)

07-19-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks guys all the positive comments are very helpful I do carry my Xanax wit me just incase I get real bad but I'm determined to do this and love my job, so many positive things to come out of it I no, as i have a lil four month old baby and want the best life for him, really great to have a site to chat to people that no Wat it's like, I'm going be so nervous the day before work begins but I'll make it :)