View Full Version : Anxiety or......... hand/shoulder trembling

02-15-2007, 10:46 AM
first off..i'm gonna try to keep this short...

like you here i have 99.9 % of the anxiety (severe) symptons

BUT heres my number one concern.

When i open my hand and close it -- my right hand is rigid (a co worker compared my hand to a break dancer) so on the way down my hand -shakes or trembles.... in an odd way

my shoulders are the same thing...if i shrug my shoulders they tremble or shake on the way down...

this doesnt seem to happen when resting just when i do it....

there is some mild shaking/trembling in my hands as well (not affecting daily life)

1. mildly trembling hands
2. Rigidity in hand/wrist when moving
3. rigidity in shoulders--when i shrug

I know these are symptons so i'd like some advice or help..

as far as i know i am in good health but really battling anxiety/depression right now.

(im also aware they can be something serious like ms or parkinsons etc.. but i really think it is anxiety related.....)

02-15-2007, 11:53 AM
Its more likly anxiety related my father is 47 and gets the same thing as do I from time to time.

02-15-2007, 12:05 PM
Do you use/take anything to combat it?

I'm trying St John's wort tea (although ironically a side effect is .....anxiety)

I'm really Really....really..trying not to go insane here....

it first started with a cold hand... then a rigid hand-- them my shoulders...

I'm starting notice EVERY nook and cranny of my body and worry myself sick...

and today is the worst day...I'm very shaky,jittery,unsettled....

I sit hear at work all day and google diseases that can kill me...and i've convinced myself i've been dying of at least 6 different diseases in the past few weeks.

This sever anxiety has only started the pat month or so


Also....when i first noticed my hand was cold..(which set off examing the rest of my body) it was my first day on ciprofloxin (for an infection i didnt have) ...i took a two week course (a month ago) and since then...... if related or not....its been downhill spiral of thoughts of death, disease, restlessness, vidid dreams .

ive never been like this...Im an outgoing, regular guy turning myself into a basket case... if i had 10 cents for everytime i obsessed over the rigidness of my shoulders and hands id be rich.

02-15-2007, 12:13 PM
I dont really I just use CBT methods and will power. Sometimes we just cant avoid feeling anxious its how we deal with it that decides our bodies reaction.


02-15-2007, 05:00 PM
Twoifbysea. Are you male or female? If you're male, disregard this, but if you're female and taking birth control pills, St. John's Wort can interfere with their efficacy. I found that out the hard way. I was taking St. John's Wort for depression -- well, I was a hell of a lot depressed when I found out I was pregnant and not in any way prepared to have a baby. You really need to do your research with some of the natural supplements. Just because they're natural, it doesn't mean they don't have unpleasant side effects and some of them can interfere with prescription meds you may be taking.

Do you consume much caffeine? I always have shaky hands but I attribute much of it to my coffee consumption. When I cut back on the coffee, the shaking does calm down.

I often get an overall shaky feeling sometimes -- like my insides are shaking too -- and I know that's anxiety.

Step away from Google and stop looking up diseases! ;) Sometimes, when we're anxious, we're just searching for things to worry about... and we all know there are a myriad of diseases out there with very common symptoms and we can scare the crap out of ourselves reading about them. I tell myself that I could get hit by a bus or struck by lighting or contract some horrendous rare disease, but worrying about it won't do a damn bit of good. I know it's easier said than done, but try to focus on today and remind yourself you're okay. Your disease is anxiety. It feels horrible, but there are ways of coping with it.

02-16-2007, 03:22 AM

I get the trembling thing and a tingling in my left arm and shoulder. i was worried for a long time that it was a heart attack. Now i amn't worried about it because it is a symptom of anxiety. Don't worry about it, just let the symptoms wash over you. Acknowledge them and just wait until they go away.

Hope that helps.

02-16-2007, 11:30 AM
thank you gang... thats exactley what i was looking for ....some reasurance.. you all know yourselves that that goes a long way...

and juliana thank you as well..I'm male .. i drink 1-2 coffees a day so im about average consumption..i do know that when i;ve had redbull in the past i'd feel pretty jittery.

I have a doc appt on monday whcih hopefully will confirm that this is mental and i'm fine... hopefully once that happens i'd stop feeling like im losing my mind !!!



02-16-2007, 12:15 PM
Lay off the Caffine this will help. :)

02-16-2007, 03:45 PM
I love coffee. :roll:

02-16-2007, 03:46 PM
Steve, I'm glad you don't have to worry about St. John's Wort interfering with your birth control pills. ;)

Good luck at the doc!

02-17-2007, 03:15 AM
Try decaff. ;)