View Full Version : Blood Pressure + Anxiety

07-17-2012, 06:21 PM
Hello everyone, I just joined this forum. I myself believe to have always had anxiety since I was very young. I am going to be a junior in college and it had become very detrimental to my academics and social life. When I'm at school I drink every weekend, go out with friends, and I even used to to smoke pot until it started giving me panic attacks. I was an avid marijuana user, multiple times a day and I loved it. Until one day I had a panic attack and now I don't smoke weed at all. My anxiety got so bad this summer that I started having severe panic attacks. I always feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. Hearts racing, face starts getting tingly/numb, jaw hurts, sweat and cold hands and feet, and feeling very dizzy. My doctor had prescribed me Klonopin .5mg x 2 a day. This has helped me some bit. I don't get panic attacks anymore, but I do still get anxiety here and there but not as bad. I take 1mg of Klonopin in the morning and sometimes take .5 (half a mg) in the afternoon if I am very stressed. I have been checking my blood pressure on and off and I am sort of concerned. I have a digital blood pressure monitor at home and I decided to take my blood pressure today. I feel as if I have a rather faster heart beat than most people. My first few results were extremely high, then it diminished once I became more and more calm. I took my blood pressure every minute.

137/77 (Heart Rate: 104)
141/70 (Heart Rate: 100)
133/79 (Heart Rate: 100)
136/68 (Heart Rate: 99)
123/67 (Heart Rate: 99)
115/62 (Heart Rate: 99)
124/66 (Heart Rate: 98)
122/63 (Heart Rate: 95)
121/59 (Heart Rate: 95)
122/61 (Heart Rate: 96)
117/55 (Heart Rate: 94)
114/60 (Heart Rate: 93)

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this abnormal?

07-18-2012, 04:41 AM
Wow sounds exactly how mine started , I used to love a smoke every day but one time I freaked out and never smoked since , but over the years I have had sooooo many different symptons but yeah I have been just put on blood pressure as my blood pressure was high , and due to anxiety so anxiety can do heaps to a body

07-18-2012, 04:42 AM
And taking us loos pressure every min or thirty sec would obviously raise it . I used to check my pulse rate very 5 min literally and it was always high the more the think the more u raise symptons

07-18-2012, 04:54 AM
And taking ya blood pressure

07-19-2012, 07:15 AM
Sounds similar to me too, I freaked out when I was a teenager and never smoked again. Anxiety has been a problem ever since. I also have high blood pressure. Taking it every minute will not do you any good. If you want to get a feel for how your pressure is, take it once every hour for a full day. That's what I did for my doctor to figure out if my HB meds were working.

From the numbers you posted it looks like you were stressed. The bottom number is pretty much normal. Stress/anxiety can make that top number rise up. When i go to the doctor mine is the 150's lol I am a nervous person at the doctors. top number 120 is ideal, over 140 is high.

Looks like you were just stressed/anxious a little.

07-19-2012, 12:51 PM
None of you BP readings are high. Stop obsessing about things. Ignore all anxiety symptoms and your life will be better