View Full Version : Night vs Morning

07-17-2012, 11:03 AM
So as I've been recovering I've noticed that my anxiety subsides almost completely towards the end of the day. Maybe because I know the day is ending and I relax. Anyway, I think to myself "wow I feel totally fine. No concerns. When I contemplate the upsetting thoughts I have when I'm anxious, they don't make sense." I go to bed wondering why I can't just maintain this thought process. In the morning however I immediately wake up with my heart racing and feeling anxious again. Even though I remind myself how I felt while going to bed I can't get back into it. Anyone else experience this or have advice?

07-17-2012, 11:21 AM
I feel worse in the mornings. For me its because i'm by myself i think.

07-17-2012, 11:22 AM
I'm the complete opposite. Throughout the day I'm fine but by night I'm anxious and I have to remind myself constantly that I'm ok. Here's a tip, I think I'm ok during the day is because I'm surrounded by a few people and I'm busy at work. Maybe get a job that will keep u busy so u won't have time to think about being anxious. Or I u don't want a job, maybe get a new hobby. Just something to keep u busy during the day. Good luck!

07-17-2012, 11:32 AM
I defintely agree with getting a job or a new hobby. I'm currently on Maternity leave.

07-17-2012, 03:51 PM
I always feel horrible in the mornings because I knw I have to face the day. When night time comes, I'm relaxed bc the day is over and I can lay in bed with no worries

07-17-2012, 04:12 PM
Exactly same for me, from the moment I open my eyes my anxiety kicks in, nervous, jumpy, shakeing, cant stop thinking. Try to busy myself as best I can then at night im like a completely different person, relaxed, can concentrate on things, have a conversation without feel so dizzy! As I write this im quite content as most nights just the daily struggle. Know exactly what your going through..

07-18-2012, 10:15 AM
Oddly enough, my anxiety went thru two "stages".

First couple months i was anxious when i woke up, all day long until the sun went down. As soon as it got dark, i would feel instantly relieved. Id laugh with my family, watch tv, finally be able to eat. I hated the sunlight it made me feel so anxious.

Then, it mutated. I would wake up feeling normal and refreshed. I would feel great all day. Then, at 9pm or so when it got dark, id become overwhelmed with anxiety. Id be scared to go to bed even. After a month of this i started to feel better finally