View Full Version : Need some help guys...

07-17-2012, 07:53 AM
This last week have been pretty bad for me. My anxiety has been hitting me hard at night. I'm waking up with big time anxiety. Also, when I try to sleep, i begin to have the same dream over and over, déjà vu. I awake with dry mouth. Now I have consistent stomach discomfort and constipation.

The only things that Im consistently taking are Xanax and lots of chamomile tea.

07-17-2012, 09:29 AM
Do you have vivid dreams? I used to have them and I would wake up in a panic.

07-17-2012, 10:14 AM
Yes they are vivid and it's the same dream over and over. The bad part in my dream is that I'm anxious and nervous on them.
I haven't had these feelings since the first month of my first anxiety attack.

07-17-2012, 10:29 AM
The dreams I had were the things I was worrying about. It was during the first two weeks when I was taking anti dep meds. I told my psych about it and she said all these dreams are part of out subconscious mind. So, whatever you are dreaming might be something you are currently worrying abt. Is there something bothering you? Perhaps that might be the cause of it maybe you could tell someone abt it if it makes you feel better :)

07-17-2012, 10:48 AM
My dream was about work and how I needed to make a deadline. The last three weeks have been super stressful at work.

07-17-2012, 03:18 PM
Anxiety waxes and wanes. It's part of the condition. I would encourage you to do a few things. First and foremost, I would use Xanax as a life-jacket. Try to stay afloat with other techniques...but if you start to drown in your anxiety, then by all means use it. Therapy is extremely helpful. Holistic and CBT therapy can give you some wonderful techniques to keep your anxiety manageable. Breathing, meditation, and relaxation techniques are crucial for managing anxiety, but are also worthwhile to do when you AREN'T having any anxiety. Keep up with the chamomile tea; it's a great calming tool. Cut the caffeine...cut the alcohol. Force yourself to walk...even if it feels impossible. If you aren't on any medication, consider it. I take 15 mg of Lexapro daily. I never wanted to be on meds...but I put aside my pride and saw my doc. It's done wonders. I hope this helps. I'm praying for you! :)