02-15-2007, 06:52 AM
Fear of Pigeons. I dont like the way they keep looking at me... :trolly:

02-15-2007, 11:24 AM
LOL. I think I have peristerophobia too. Filthy little buggers. There are two of them nesting outside my bedroom window and the cooing keeps me awake. My friend and I sometimes try to get rid of them by shooting at them with a Super Soaker water gun. They're not deterred.

I have a story about pigeons. I was in the park one day and there was a group of pre-schoolers there looking at the birds and feeding the ducks. Suddenly, a sweet, innocent-looking little girl started running towards the pigeons, screaming at them and kicking them. Her teacher ran over to stop her and asked her what she was doing, and she replied, "I JUST HATE WIDGEPINS!!" :D

02-15-2007, 11:50 AM
Filthy Flying Rats of the Air and noisy too.

Duncan (goes looking for his air rifle.)

07-16-2011, 04:10 AM
The other day I was with a group of people and we decided to eat lunch in a busy park! I had my camera with me and decided to take pictures of a lake, I walked down towards it and was just focusing my camera when I heard dripping all around me and a cooing sound, I looked up to see hundred of pigeons just staring at me! I screamed so loud some flew away which scared me even more, I ran back to the group and sat down for lunch but I couldn't relax, one pigeon flew into me, the others were pressuring me for food! I was terrified, I knew I had peristerophobia but it had never been this bad! They swarmed towards me and I could feel my heart pounding, my hands shaking and myself slowly starting to cry. On one other occasion a pigeon flew into my bedroom on holidays, I screamed so loudly that it flew away but I couldn't bear to stay there and slamed the window closed, running away myself, I even forgot my shoes and got a cramp in my foot but I didn't care!

07-16-2011, 04:12 AM
My father calls them flying rats and also has mild peristerophobia, no where near as bad as me!

victoria stiles
08-29-2011, 12:33 AM
Yes.. It is true that the pigeons are nothing more than pests. They carries many harmful diseases with them. It is always good and safe to keep them always. I am using ultra sonic bird repellers to keep them away.