View Full Version : Dizzy??

07-16-2012, 06:51 PM
Do any of you experience dizziness without the other symptoms of anxiety? I typically have many symptoms, that include dizziness, but on a day like today I don't feel any other symptoms yet I'm still a little dizzy. I would say that today is a low anxiety day so I was wondering if the dizziness might be related to something else outside of my anxiety.

07-16-2012, 07:05 PM
I experience that nearly every day some not as bad as other but at some point it feels dizzy ya a bit hard to explain and feels like ya head just not right

07-16-2012, 07:44 PM
Me too. Lightheaded, dizzy today. Head feels weird. Going to neurologist again tomorrow. Had an MRI and all ok. I think i feel more anxious today because of the way my head feels although some would argue my anxiety leads to the weird feeling in my head. Vicious cycle!

07-16-2012, 07:51 PM
I had MRI in 09 mine was cler except sinus . But yeah when ya have a bad head day anxiety worse I just learn to try best it by being confident

07-16-2012, 11:25 PM
That dizzy feeling lingers from anxiety, even when your other symptoms are lessened or gone. Another symptom that also lingers is depersonalization. But every day that your anxiety is almost gone like that with only dizziness, you are closer to feeling normal. I went through this phase when i began to feel better. Anxiety fades in to hell over time, and unfortunately you have to wait to fade out of it too. But you will!

07-16-2012, 11:31 PM
Yeah past two days been good , still freak out a tiny tiny bit in shopping centers but I just learn to deal with it and I had a bad run in 09 and basically every couple of years it comes back . The part where ya just feel strange in the head is worse part I think and sore eyes basically all symptons known I have had . I think over the years the doctor has gotten sick of seeing me lol .

07-17-2012, 01:13 AM
Like generalized dizziness? Because lately I have felt extremely dizzy when I stand up, but I know that isn't uncommon. But it has been pretty bad; I've lost my vision a couple times briefly. Is that what you have?

07-17-2012, 06:08 AM
Mine isn't as much when I stand up as when I move my head from side to side. It feels like it takes a second for my vision to "catch up" to the movement of my head.

07-17-2012, 06:11 AM
Exactly how mine feels to , and I get ringing in ears as well basically I have had every symptom under the sun , past two days been better but still gets frustrating

07-17-2012, 06:19 AM
I didn't realize others did the dizzy and eye stuff! This has helped me, so thanks! I think my worst is when it feels like I'm lookin out Windows instead of eyes, if that makes sense! Like I'm not attached to myself, just inside? Weird right??!! When that happens I try to focus on somethin closer. Like a book or somethin. Seems to help sometimes. Other times I just deal with it, can't always stop and grab a book! But my head feels numb with it at times, anyone else?

07-17-2012, 06:23 AM
Sometimes getting a book can work against ya , when I used to feel real strange in head with dull head aches I go to read and hard to focus , sure helps to talk hey to realise ya not the only person to go through something , the feeling weird in head is crappy hey

07-17-2012, 07:22 AM
I would say its the worst, but then I remember the full blown panic attack! Lol! But the head is definitely a bad part of it. Normally when my head feels that way I'm not having an attack. Or maybe when the attack hits I forget the head? Hard to say!
I've even gone to the eye Dr to make sure my eyes are ok, they are. No blocks on any nerves in there.
Just thought.....can you all imagine how much money drs make off of us! Lol! Sad really!
God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 08:37 AM
This is what I've had for the past 11 months. The anxiety disorder followed due to the disabling dizziness I deal with every day. I have not been able to come to terms with it. I always search for answers which in turn drives the anxiety worse. All scans and tests have been negative. It happens with up and down head movements.

07-17-2012, 10:19 AM
I didn't realize others did the dizzy and eye stuff! This has helped me, so thanks! I think my worst is when it feels like I'm lookin out Windows instead of eyes, if that makes sense! Like I'm not attached to myself, just inside? Weird right??!! When that happens I try to focus on somethin closer. Like a book or somethin. Seems to help sometimes. Other times I just deal with it, can't always stop and grab a book! But my head feels numb with it at times, anyone else?

This was me exactly! I would hold my hand in front of my face to focus on. And i would get headaches and eyestrain from moving my eyes around so much, trying to focus and get out of the window feeling. That detached feeling is depersonalization, its the worst for real. Makes life feel...unreal. Idk. I hate it and im so glad that currently im out of my bout. But like troy said, i slip into to this every couple years. Ill be better prepared next time!

07-17-2012, 10:25 AM
hopeNfaith88, How did you get out of it? The term "depersonalization" actuallly describes it exactualy! Finally a term that works! LOL!
God bless! :)

07-18-2012, 04:45 AM
It seems weird hey like even moving us head on a circle like for eg you know how ya move ya neck around to crack it and yeah doing that us sometimes get dizzy but it's anxiety and we need to walk throug it

07-23-2012, 02:48 PM
Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I have been suffering with chronic dizziness since january this year - exactly as you all talk about. Sometimes feel like my balance is off, often feel like my head is 'moving' even when it isnt, and when i move my head it feels like it takes a few seconds for my head to catch up etc etc. Anyway, after a LOT of trips to the doctor i finally saw a neurologist in june and got a diagnosis straight away - it is Chronic Hyperventilation. This NOT the same as acute hyperventilation like you have when having a panic attack. It is basically where you are breathing an extra breath or two every minute and over time this actually affects your blood and causes it to become more alkali and also affects the calcium levels in your blood. This is what causes the dizziness! I am not even aware my breathing is 'off', as far as im concerned i breathe totally normally. But the neurologist said it is so slight that you wouldnt actually notice it at all, but when you're doing this over a long period of time it builds up and starts to cause symptoms. There are other symptoms of it too but dizziness is one of the main ones and he was very quick to diagnose it.... Unfortunately not a lot is known about it and my GP had never had a case of it until me! Theres no easy fix im afraid - its a case of trying to get your breathing back on track and this will get your blood back to normal. Sory to go on a bit, but just wanted to put it out there in case it could help some of you and you werent aware of it! :)

07-23-2012, 04:43 PM
What are the other symptoms? I've had this for almost a year the neuro said nothing of it

07-23-2012, 04:55 PM
What are the other symptoms? I've had this for almost a year the neuro said nothing of it

What you describe..balance probably and calcium imbalance..even anxiety and panic can be caused by an underactive(hypothyroidism) thyroid. Most docs only check your TSH levels, but if you ask they will run the whole panel...that's how they caught mine...free T4 was way off.

07-23-2012, 04:57 PM
Thanks Suzzy!! :)

07-24-2012, 12:59 AM
No probs! Other symptoms include things such as tingling/numbness in limbs, tinnitus, shortness of breath, feeling weak, palpitations etc. But for me its nearly entirely just dizziness and only very occasionally some of the other symptoms! Google it and see what you can find out about it. A lot of neurologists even, just dont seem to diagnose it coz its one of those tricky ones to diagnose. I was just very lucky and saw a neurologist who had seen a few other cases and knew a lot about it! But it is absolutely a recognised condition. Common in athletes and opera singers apparently as they are trained to breath a certain way. Definitely worth asking about if you think it could be what you have.... I think the best way to diagnose it (and what my neurologist did with me) is to stand and breathe really hard and fast through your mouth for 2 minutes (should probably do this under medical supervision though!). This should make you feel worse. If it does, then this is your problem! :)