View Full Version : How to cope?

07-16-2012, 04:18 PM
I can't seem to go to the er or doctors office with out my BP high and my heart racing...I've been doing well with my anxiety but at times I lose all control and start thinking bad thoughts and the what ifs..any little slight pain makes me panic and causes crazy symptoms. I'm scared and tierd of the what ifs and dizzy spells along with the not feeling real and arm hurting ..I know I still haven't faced the fact its anxiety cause I'm still at the stage of constantly going to the er and doc...I've had numerous xrays and blood work and It always comes back everything is fine..when will I learn?

07-16-2012, 04:20 PM
Not mention headaches constantly and digestive problems...

07-16-2012, 05:02 PM
I was I'm the same boat. I thought..anxiety can't do this! Or, I'm not an anxious person! And the best, panic is for weak people! Lol! But after trying to go off all meds for it without my Drs advice, well, that just made it so much worse! Now I read everything I can about it, I ask people I know either have it or work with people who have it, I also got in touch with a counselor. After all this, and tons and tons of prayer, I still take my meds, I still have attacks I can't control, but I'm dealing with it. I don't look at panic disorder as a weakness anymore, but as a chance to get "prayed up", lol! I try to make light of it and sometimes it works, sometimes not. Either way, I will get through this. May not get over it, but definitely through it, with Gods help.
First thing was to come to terms with it. Without that I know I'd still be fighting a losing battle. So I guess what I'm sayin is, your symptoms sound so much like mine did. If it is panic, don't see it as a problem, but a part of you. Read as much as you can and try to let those close to you know. Hiding it made it so much worse for me! And its easier said than done...I know!! But it will get easier! I try to make sure I always have my meds and an escape route!!! Just kidding! But really, it will get better!
Good luck and God bless!!!

07-16-2012, 06:14 PM
I know what ya going through I get bad head aches and get dizzy spells but ya need to be confident and realise u can get through it .