View Full Version : Symptoms

07-16-2012, 12:41 PM
web md . boots . com /symptoms/symptomchecker

I used the above site (with out spaces) out of interest as I am convinced now I am slowly deteriorating. It has gone beyond anxiety now... How can I feel so bad? So detached? Anxiety can't make me feel this bad. There is nothing I can do except to accept my fate. I hate it... Being in tears. I thought I was doing better today. Obviously with permanent derealisation and anxiety i am never going to feel completely better. But still... I no it is something far worse. I stuck all my symptoms in that site to see if it helped... it didn't. I really can't believe anyone feels the way I do. :/ My symptoms selected where:

Compulsive Behaviour
Despressed Mood
Difficulty concentrating
Difficulty falling asleep
Difficulty forming words
difficulty staying a sleep
Early morning waking
easily distracted
Feeling of being detached from reality
Frightening thoughts
Memory problems
Personality chances
Restless (tossing and turning) sleep
Sense ofimpendingdoom
Floating spotsor strings in vision
Jerking eye movements
Red eye (single)
Visual halos around lights
irregular heartbeat
palpitations (fluttering in chest)
Hyperventilation (rapid/deep breathing)
Pounding heart (pulse)
High blood pressure
Socially Withdrawn
Blood on toilet tissue
Black (tar) coloured stools
Ringing in ears
Fits of rage
Frightening dreams
Lack of emotion
Lack of motivation
Lack of pleasure
Paranoid behaviour
slow thinking
unusual behaviour
difficulty breathing through nose.
Muscle twitching.

I am sorry for posting again... I just feel so sad :(

07-16-2012, 01:13 PM
Ahhhh bless you- try not to be too hard on yourself I know it's easy to say- were all in the same boat here- it is extremely hard living day by day but were strong- you can do it xx

07-17-2012, 11:35 AM

As bad as you feel its all anxiety .


see this list, this is most of the anxiety symptoms and this list i had 95% at my worse . I can understand that you may think that there is no one that could be feeling as bad as you are now but there are many that are .

The first thing you need to do is stop googleing as it is going to send you around the twist . Google is not a doctor and no matter what symptoms you put in it will bring up many many things that it is not .

The second thing to do is accept that it is anxiety . This is hard but it is a good thing because you can recovery from it and go on to live a normal life .

Go and find any of Dr Weekes books and read them . This is a good start to understanding what is going on .

cheers :)

Totally agree with that. Paul David's book 'At Last A Life' is very good also. It helped get me through Anxiety/D.P before.

I am not my brain
07-17-2012, 11:50 AM
I have Paul David's book too :). It made me feel so much better about everything, and gave me confidence I'll overcome this. I also visit his blog daily.

So glad I came across his work.