View Full Version : Concerned

07-16-2012, 06:33 AM
I my anxiety has been getting better but as it takes time for it subside completely I get concerned during the day that it won't ever go away. I know this is my anxiety fueling these thoughts but it also seems like a legitimate concern. How should I approach this?

07-16-2012, 07:20 AM
As long as you keep entertaining this belief and living in fear of your anxiety coming back it will make your recovery more difficult. I don't even like to say recovery because all that we suffer from is a bad thinking habit that we have reinforced. Change your thinking and change your attitude about anything coming back. With a new thinking habit these moments when anxiety may return do not seem like a devastating setback. Our thoughts are what creates our anxiety. We tend to overreact and chase down our negative thoughts and feelings. Change the station. Tune into a new program. Hope this helps.