View Full Version : Fractured Mind

07-16-2012, 03:12 AM
Hello All,

7 long years ago i was plunged into the maze of anxiety. I had my first full blown panic attack. I was confused and terrified as I couldn't understand what was happeneing to me. Waves of unrelentless panic and anxiety and depersonalisation. i felt like I was losing it. But I didn't, of course, as you all know. Since then I tried everything. I took medicines, I attended therapy. I tried to find a solution

And I did. But it is not a magic wand. It is not a miracle pill. It is a disciplined Road Map. I want to share that with you. After seven years I started to put it in writing. But I need some help to complete it. I want it out in September. Here's the outline. What do you think?

1. My challenge – how I discovered my demons and I learned to tame them.

Every person is unique. That’s surely the understatement of the year and one of the most abused single clichés in the world. But it’s true, nevertheless. While we all experience somewhat similar symptoms or states, at the end of the day, our own experience or what we make of it is unique and will haunt us or teach every single one of us differently and at different levels.

- The Staring Moment: how I experience a complete reboot of the self;

- How I got there in the first place

- The aftermath: the first full blown panic attack; it’s like the brain is suddenly parachuted into a hostile jungle with no repere whatsoever;

- Medical help

- Recovery

- The beginning of the road and the life in between.

2. How it all works:

Let’s take a look at the mechanism of anxiety. How it works, biologically and mentally? Is it mental? Is it physical?

-Anxiety mechanism:

- Panic attack mechanism;

-Depersonalization mechanism;

-Depression/melancholy mechanism;

3. Introducing the Road Map – the switch in perspective that will change the way you see things;

- Know yourself – draw the map of your soul

- Rules: how to find your itinerary and stick to it
I devised a set of rules that will help you get in line and stick to the course. Everybody needs guidance, there’s no shame in it, so this will be useful. There are three Rules of the Road Map. For the moment it is important to keep them in mind

1. First Rule: Avoid the mind chatter: it is pure poison for your brain.

2. Second Rule: Avoid or eliminate metaphysical serious contemplation. Serves no purpose but to feed your anxiety and existential fear.

3. Third Rule: Live and let Live

- Your brain loves routine: how to create the perfect anti-anxiety routine.


a. How can food cause stress

b. Weight increase and Fractured Mind

c. Waist dimension, toxin and brains

d. Insulin resistance, cortisol and stress

e. The Fractured Mind Menu: what to eatt, when to eat

f. The Forbidden List: foods that you should avoid altogether unless you want to live on the nutritional edge

g. Supplements: why we need them

- Second HABIT: Exercise

a. How lack of exercice cause stress;

b. Exercice and detoxification of the brain; the serotonin liaison;

c. Exercice and weight management and stress;

d. Exercice and mind chatter

e. The Daily Exercice Plan; the weekely exercice plan

f. The importance of stretching; Yoga, Thai Chi and Aikido

g. Some exemples of Aikido exercises;

- Third HABIT: Laugh

a. Homo ludens

b. The incidence of anxiety on the optimists

• "I’m not a serious person, and I don’t like serious people. I don’t see myself as a philosopher" Ray Bradbury

- Fourth HABIT: Creativity and distraction;

a. Paint, build, do something. Cook

So, the obvious advise here is to go do something you like. Knock yourself out. You are found of drawing, go draw. Buy the material, then do it. Or you can take up photography. Or if you have literary skills (or even if you don’t for that matter) go and write something. Or begin a cooking lesson. Become your own Masterchef

b. The distracted mind; keep it distracted to heal
But keep it distracted. Focus on what you are doing. Don’t drop it.

c. Distraction means positive Obsession
It’s like when you are in love.

- Fifth HABIT: Assertiveness

a. Speak your mind

b. Increase your self esteem

c. Change your world; the FLOW

- Sixth HABIT: Action

a. Planning

b. Objectives

c. Rewards

d. Measure your progress

e. Enjoy your results

4. Mind Taming – how to look into your own brain and extract your true self

5 The Switch – how to design the body-mind system for lasting results

Introducing Welfullness
a. Powerful body;
b. The Meaning of Life

6. Final considerations

“So you will take risks, and you will have failures. But it’s what happens afterward that is defining. A failure often does not have to be a failure at all. However, you have to be ready for it—will you admit when things go wrong? Will you take steps to set them right?—because the difference between triumph and defeat, you’ll find, isn’t about willingness to take risks. It’s about mastery of rescue. “ Atul Gawande