View Full Version : irrational anxiety

07-15-2012, 12:32 PM
Hi from a newcomer

I've always been quite anxious and someone who feels the need for security and comfort. Recently bought a CBT book which is helpful. Ironically a few days later I got some news which has triggered my anxiety quite strongly - the possibility that in the next few months I may have to move out of my home which I love.

Now I know that this is a negative event and it is not irrational to feel concerned about it, but the last few days I have been feeling very anxious, sick in my stomach, indigestion, unable to think about much else. The only positive is that my OCD has diminished presumably because my head can't cope with more than one obsession at a time!

I keep telling myself that if I do have to move it is not the end of the world as there are other options, trying to listen to my rational voice rather than my irrational one, it works for a while then the anxiety takes over again. Anyone got experience of dealing with a similar surge of anxiety?


Serenity 7
07-15-2012, 12:39 PM
yip everyday.my anxiety has got worst thoughy.when i feel the anxiety coming,rather than fight it i try and embrace it.that seems to help a little bit