View Full Version : Cant handle all this

07-15-2012, 03:53 AM
Hi guys- so I came off caffeine yesterday and I feel like I've been run over by a bus- literally!! I feel so weak I think the teas were keeping me going- I'm too scared to eat incase I get an allergic reaction and I don't know what to do- please help

07-15-2012, 08:19 AM
Are you allergic to anything? Might be better to decrease caffeine more slowly as to give your system more time to adjust instead of going cold turkey. Alankay

07-15-2012, 10:56 AM
Im allergic to some medications and kiwi fruit- but my doc doesn't know if the itching and redness ive had is allergy or anxiety. I've cut out virtually everything and only eat 1 meal a day at a push- I woke up yesterday with no itching and started itching after I I had my tea and since I've stopped even though I feel like death I've had no itching- I've been without caffeine for nearly 2 days now I might as well carry on now don't you think?

07-15-2012, 04:53 PM
> I've cut out virtually everything and only eat 1 meal a day at a push

If one meal is a push, then are you saying you normally eat 0 (zero) meals? lol
(Carry on like this and I think malnutrition will become far more important than your itchy scratchies!)

If no caffeine means no itchies then carry on!
You'll soon get used to it.

07-16-2012, 05:21 AM
Thankyou dazza- your comments always make me smile!! Yes I try and get away with not eating At all but my husbands noticed and now force feeds me- it's very distressing but I know if I don't sort it out it'll lead to malnutrition .....and still no itching!!!