View Full Version : Self doubt

07-14-2012, 04:09 PM
As I deal with my anxiety I seem to find techniques that work for a short time but are stopped by self doubt. This doubt now turns into my new anxious thoughts. I've read that letting the thoughts in is the best way to better myself but it seems like letting self doubt in would work against me. Advice?

07-14-2012, 04:27 PM
I try to just acknowledge to myself that my self doubt it part of having anxiety, it's not helpful and remind myself to ignore as best I can. I have done many things I doubted I could and found that my pdoc as right. Anticipatory anxiety is a form of self doubt(expecting/predicting problems). I just factor it in, expect it and try to minimize it's impact on me. Alankay.

07-14-2012, 04:48 PM
Do you deal with the "what ifs" this way as well? Such as, "what if I feel anxious when I'm
In the shower later?" for example. I've been approaching by saying to myself, "hey maybe I will, but I know it's a biological fight/flight response issue and I'm ok."

07-14-2012, 10:50 PM
writing this from my car as I have this app on my I phone . I just finished grocer shopping and I had a little freak out my self but I walked through it . U know how ya start freaking a bit round people then ya feel all dizzy and things appear different and ya legs feel weak and ya heart starts to race well that was me just then and I walked through it . So it can be done i just kept saying . " you won't win this has happened before " I kept saying it over and over and I still feel a bit anxious but it's a win . And as I was saying it for a bit the symptons hit harder but I just kept saying it over an over and I walked through it .
It can be overcome

07-14-2012, 10:56 PM
Troy is right, you gotta walk or float through it. It's only I thought, acknowledge the thought and simply let it pass.

07-14-2012, 11:31 PM
As scary as it is and chanches r it will happen to me / u again ya just gotta know that anxiety won't kill. And anxiety gas not harmed yet so it won't . Yeah I'm a tad nervous it might happen again but I'll walk through it easier again . Small steps

07-15-2012, 05:21 AM
What I mean to say is. I start to doubt that my techniques will work. "letting the thoughts in and remembering that its anxiety wont help." "what if it never goes away." Thinking of those thoughts and letting them in seems like it would be counter productive.

07-15-2012, 05:23 AM
Yeah I have done that , when I am having these dizzy patches when in a shopping centre with ahead ache etc I think could it be something more serious for a sec then I get back to thinking its only anxiety and I ask myself when will it go away etc

07-15-2012, 07:51 AM
I guess at this point I have a fear of having fear of my panic attacks haha. I started by being afraid of the attacks which I only had rarely and this fear made my scared and anxious. Now as I'm dealin with it, I'm afraid of that fear. So what feelings do I let through and what do I fight?

07-15-2012, 08:12 AM
This whole week I had stomach pain and of course with the combo of anxiety, it made it worse. I started self diagnosing which led to fear which in turn gave me an anxiety/panic attack.

Yesterday in the afternoon I said to myself, it is what is, I will not fear my pain. I didnt fight it but accepted and let it pass. It is the original fear that triggers the fight or flight response and if you add the second fear, it keeps the anxiety/panic alive.

I believe I'm close to beating my anxiety and sure there are days when anxiety still hits me more that I wanted but I know it's not a setback

Practicing to accept your anxiety and letting it pass is the key. To do this, you'll have to work on it. I read books on anxiety, do anxiety work books, drink chamomile tea, exercise, have a healthy diet and spend time with family and friends.

To answer your question, in my opinion, you don't fight but have the courage to accept it! Once you accept it and do not add an additional fear, you will feel better. Remember to practice!


07-15-2012, 09:39 AM
So really what it comes down to is: realize thT the initial attacks were part of your fight/flight

07-15-2012, 09:40 AM
.....response and that there's nothing to worry about. Then realize that you're only afraid of the fear at this point and there's no reason to.

07-15-2012, 10:04 AM
Yes the fight/flight is a normal response which is triggered by sensitization. It is normal in everyone. Over sensitized is why most of us are here on this forum.

Once we all become less sensitized, our bodies will release less adrenaline which in turn will cause less anxiety. It's easier said than done.

Like everything in life, you'll have to work/practice at it. Read through the Stickies on this forum to find out what is working for other and develop your plan. Hope this helps!

07-16-2012, 12:15 PM
I had really awful thoughts, what ifs and all the rest, i was the same as you, trying to let the thoughts pass and kept telling myself how irrational these thoughts actually are, but it never worked I kept falling back down and my anxiety seemed to get worse and worse. I came across EFT (emotional freedom techniques) / tapping and honestly i swear by it I've been doing it over a week and my thoughts aren't as scary and i can let go of them quite easy i'm managing anxiety as a whole a million times better than i was before, I highly recommend it to anyone.. If you've never heard of it go onto youtube and search magnustapping i find this guy really helpful, theres loads of other eft videos aswell so even just search EFT/Tapping, it'll seem a bit odd at first but honestly go for it, it's been a life saver for me!