View Full Version : Health Anxiety - need help, support, encouragement

07-14-2012, 08:08 AM
I've been here for a while - don't post a lot but lurk really and read advice from others that have or are in my shoes.

I have a severe health anxiety - fear of leaving my family. It's overwhelming at times. Crying all the time. I have OCD as well which I'm pretty sure they haven't found the right med to treat it yet, but I'm hoping they do. I realize that's not the only answer but my Mom has OCD and her med helped her 100% so I keep hoping that will happen to me.

It leads to the fear of death and leaving this world and praying that there is a God and He will take care of me after.. but I'm skeptical and it's a vicious cycle that leads me to dark places in my head. Scared, confused, desperate for help (I do therapy, acupuncture etc.). I just need to hear (or hope to hear) that this WILL get better and I WILL overcome this and that there in fact is a God out there trying to help me.


Any advice MORE than welcome and needed.
Thanks in advance

07-14-2012, 10:05 AM
I have health anxiety too. I think having a structure and routine really help me a lot. I've noticed that when I have free time with nothing to do I seem to pay more attention to all the little aches and pains. I have been working really hard to establish a routine, exercise more and continue with therapy. My anxiety seems to come and go so I'm working on managing it when it does show up instead of wishing it away as I have always done before. Be more active on the boards too. It is really comforting to know that there are others out there that have been in the same place that we are now but have made it through to better times.

Good luck!!

07-14-2012, 10:11 AM
I'm not sure anyone here (or anywhere) can tell you categorically that there is or isn't a god, because no-one has proof either way.

Personally, I don't believe. My logical / scientific side says that it is highly unlikely.

So, I would stop relying or hoping on something that doesn't seem to exist, and seek the known, living help that is on offer to you, such as therapy.

Face & fight this shit... you CAN do it ya know? it's not insurmountable.

07-14-2012, 07:06 PM
Hi, I do have health anxiety too, I'm seeking treatment from a psychiatrist. I learnt abt my condition on the net and I guess it is best to seek therapy from a doc. Now I'm feeling much better than before but I'm still on meds though :(

I have read books on anxiety and Positive thinking which really makes me feel better about myself, perhaps you can try it too.

Religion wise, I think it helps to build me up spiritually and makes me feel better about myself. But of course, your faith has to be strong too :)

07-15-2012, 07:59 AM
I am trying to get faith now to help me - I think that would be a huge part if I can get there. I'm just afraid I won't

07-15-2012, 08:11 AM
May I know what's your religion?

07-15-2012, 08:24 AM
I was brought up Catholic but I don't really follow that anymore - I'd say nothing specific, I like the UU Church but I'm mainly just trying to be spiritual.

07-15-2012, 09:54 AM
Hi, this is my first post. Been reading a lot here, but never registered until now. I have been diagnosed w an anxiety disorder. It started just after emergency brain surgery last year. At first I felt so alone and just knew I was going to die. I felt God had turned His back on me and I was doomed.
I am a Christian. I have been saved by Gods grace, and have his mercy and His forgiveness. I know this to be true. Its the only thing that helps. I still struggle with these attacks. I do take meds for it. I don't see these as a weakness, but a chance to get stronger in my faith. Although I can't always get them under control, and I struggle through these attacks, just knowing God is there with me is a complete comfort in them. I pray a lot! I try to memorize verses from the Bible on fear and repeat them when needed. I have no doubt that God is with me and in His time I will get through these.
If you want God in your life, ask Him! Then just rely on Him! Get in a good church, religious title doesn't matter as long as they teach the Bible. You'll be surprised at how differently you see things when God is with you. It might not always be easy, but its always worth it!! And just knowing He has promised that when we are His, and we are trying to live according to His will, He will never leave us! What a calming thought for me!
Trust, believe, and call on Him!

07-15-2012, 08:35 PM
I can relate to you Stacie, about God's super abounding Grace!

Some churches preach more about the Law rather than God's grace which causes one to feel fearful about God. But in fact, God is love!

I am not my brain
07-15-2012, 08:56 PM
I've been dealing with anxiety for 2 years. I've also went through a horrific benzo w/d through all this as well. I wouldn't be here today if it was not for God. I know when I've prayed he's given me the relief I needed to keep going, as well as education/guidance to the knowledge I need to defeat this obstacle.

It isn't by chance we are here on this Earth. There is so little evidence that science provides to us that proves other wise. Everything in this existence was precieved, the galaxy just just come out of nowhere.

We as humans are born to be skeptical, and we come up with all types of theory to comfort us, it's natural.

Even atheist's believe in God by mentioning his existence :)

We were created in his image.

07-16-2012, 01:19 AM
> I wouldn't be here today if it was not for God

So why has God helped you out, when so many other people aren't so lucky, huh?

Is god there when a baby dies in its cot for seemingly no reason?

Is god there when a soldier is shot dead?

Is god there when your loved one gets a fatal cancer?

Is god there when over 600,000 African children die of malaria every year?

07-16-2012, 01:20 AM
... or, perhaps you think the above deserved to die?

Is it about Gods preference do you think?

07-16-2012, 06:25 AM
"In God’s design for the world, He allows many events to run their course according to “time and chance” (Ecclesiastes 9:11), so that many tragedies, for the Christians and non-believers, are accidental and unforeseeable. If we accept God as the Creator of Heaven and Earth, then He must possess full knowledge and control of that which He allows to occur.

There will always be a mystery of the divine purposes of God which we cannot fully grasp (Romans 11:33-34). We don't know all the reasons God sends or permits specific calamities—or why particular people are made to suffer by them. Yet, there is an assurance that comes when we allow God to reign over our lives. “My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest” (Isaiah 32:18).

God said in Bible prophecy that natural disasters would grow in frequency and intensity as the end of the age approaches—to shake people out of their complacency and lead them to seek Him (Mark 13:8, 23-25; Revelation 11:13; 16:18-21). When natural disasters occur, the believers possess a clear conscience as they place their faith in God’s promises and providence. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall in the heart of the sea” (Psalm 46:1–2)."

From allaboutpopularissues.org

I am not my brain
07-16-2012, 06:41 AM
Death is a part of life. A lot of it has to do with the greed of humans, other has to do with choice.

Soldiers make the choice to go to man created wars, and risk their lives. God has blessed us with choice.

I solely believe that cancer is has to do a lot with our environments and the substances we put in our bodies, substances that were created by man.

Humans are greedy and possess resources to help others out, but decide to hoard abundance's of wealth while others suffer.

There are evil forces that thrive on this Earth, that is the other side of the story.

I'm not here to change people's philosophy on life lol. I just find it offensive to say that God does not exist, especially using "science" to back this up. The "Big Bang" and "evolution" are very inconclusive "theories" that are nothing but a guess. An answer to a question we can't get.

I don't blame your skepticism my friend. Like I said, it's natural. Our limited/flawed minds can only find so many answers out in a life time.

I am not my brain
07-16-2012, 06:55 AM
I've researched a lot on the food industry, and seen how dangerous food is produced due to the overpopulation of the world. The chemicals that are injected in these animals that humans put in their bodies daily. Pollution is another huge factor for cancer. Smoking is another root of cancer. I know there are other ways one comes up with cancer, and I'm not a doctor by any means, but I see a lot of it caused by humans themselves ( not saying all of it is caused by man ).

07-16-2012, 08:42 AM
I think a lot of people turn to religion when they are in need- I personally am not extremely religious but when my son was younger and used to used all different drugs he ended up going to church regularly and it helped him- when my 14 yr old daughter got raped and didn't want to live anymore she ended up going to church and has now come to terms with what happened to her- so if people find peace with anxiety believing god will see them though it so be it. Everyone's different xx

07-16-2012, 01:55 PM
Don't be afraid to turn to religion, doesn't matter what one you choose or how active you become in it. Having something to believe in holds tremendous benefits and will only add some comfort to your life.

07-16-2012, 04:21 PM
Dazza, I think there is a lot of bad in this world. From babies that die to soon, to babies that are aborted in the name of birth control. There are those whose lives seem to be a wreck from day one and others that have a "silver spoon" it seems. From the beginning of man kind God has never required that we follow Him. It's free will. We have a choice. Look where our choices have gotten us as Americans! We could've done better! But, if you look as a country, or a world, or simply one person, our choices have costs. Just because I was saved by Gods grace and am trying to live for Him does not give me a clean bill of health and a rainbow every day. He says in the Bible, it rains on the just and on the unjust. No one is exempt. You can not have a loving God and a promise of a beautiful Heaven without there also being satan and a promise of a hell (that was never made for man kind). Gods grace and mercy gets me through the awful things on the news because I know that He has a plan, even if I don't see it. I only hope anyone in any stressful or depressing or scary situation can turn to Him and say "even though I can't see it right now, God, I trust you! And I know You have control!" And even if that doesn't cure the problem, which it usually doesn't right away, just knowing that God IS, and He's right there and He sees the outcome that I can't, well, that's enough for me! Maybe I have a panic disorder so I can post about Gods love on here? Who knows! All I know is God will help those who are His. Those who truly believe and ask for Him to be a part of them.
I hope each one that reads this is touched by God in some way.
God bless :)

07-16-2012, 05:51 PM
Dazza, I think there is a lot of bad in this world. From babies that die to soon, to babies that are aborted in the name of birth control. There are those whose lives seem to be a wreck from day one and others that have a "silver spoon" it seems. From the beginning of man kind God has never required that we follow Him. It's free will. We have a choice. Look where our choices have gotten us as Americans! We could've done better! But, if you look as a country, or a world, or simply one person, our choices have costs. Just because I was saved by Gods grace and am trying to live for Him does not give me a clean bill of health and a rainbow every day. He says in the Bible, it rains on the just and on the unjust. No one is exempt. You can not have a loving God and a promise of a beautiful Heaven without there also being satan and a promise of a hell (that was never made for man kind). Gods grace and mercy gets me through the awful things on the news because I know that He has a plan, even if I don't see it. I only hope anyone in any stressful or depressing or scary situation can turn to Him and say "even though I can't see it right now, God, I trust you! And I know You have control!" And even if that doesn't cure the problem, which it usually doesn't right away, just knowing that God IS, and He's right there and He sees the outcome that I can't, well, that's enough for me! Maybe I have a panic disorder so I can post about Gods love on here? Who knows! All I know is God will help those who are His. Those who truly believe and ask for Him to be a part of them.
I hope each one that reads this is touched by God in some way.
God bless :)
That's beautiful

07-16-2012, 07:17 PM
Thanks kad! I just hope you can see that even though things seem hard right now, God is near. The fact that you question about Him means you know deep down He exists, and He must be trying to help you find Him! Trust that!
God bless! :)

07-16-2012, 07:20 PM
By the way...I'm also severe ocd! I count EVERYTHING!! LOL! And A.D.D. hypo. So if there's hope for me.....well there's hope for anyone! Lol!

07-17-2012, 01:25 AM
Dazza, I think there is a lot of bad in this world. From babies that die to soon, to babies that are aborted in the name of birth control. There are those whose lives seem to be a wreck from day one and others that have a "silver spoon" it seems. From the beginning of man kind God has never required that we follow Him. It's free will. We have a choice. Look where our choices have gotten us as Americans! We could've done better! But, if you look as a country, or a world, or simply one person, our choices have costs. Just because I was saved by Gods grace and am trying to live for Him does not give me a clean bill of health and a rainbow every day. He says in the Bible, it rains on the just and on the unjust. No one is exempt. You can not have a loving God and a promise of a beautiful Heaven without there also being satan and a promise of a hell (that was never made for man kind). Gods grace and mercy gets me through the awful things on the news because I know that He has a plan, even if I don't see it. I only hope anyone in any stressful or depressing or scary situation can turn to Him and say "even though I can't see it right now, God, I trust you! And I know You have control!" And even if that doesn't cure the problem, which it usually doesn't right away, just knowing that God IS, and He's right there and He sees the outcome that I can't, well, that's enough for me! Maybe I have a panic disorder so I can post about Gods love on here? Who knows! All I know is God will help those who are His. Those who truly believe and ask for Him to be a part of them.
I hope each one that reads this is touched by God in some way.
God bless :)

Ok, the incentives and morals are all good. I know that... and I know that if I follow the rules then I'll likely be a "better" person.
If we need to "make up" some gobbledygook about a man with a massive beard, sitting somewhere above the clouds... heaven, hell and so on in order for us to get the story across then so be it.

Religion is just a set of (mostly good) rules and that's all - in my opinion.
So, in this sense it is good.
What I can't get my head around is the silly stories behind it. Jesus / God / Heaven / Hell and so on... and I won't ever, either.

07-17-2012, 01:27 AM
> I count EVERYTHING!!

So does the Count from sesamie street!

ONE APPLE, ah ah ah... TWO APPLES... ah ah ah...


Stacie - if I took you to a field of barley and asked you to count ALL the stalks, would you? lol

07-17-2012, 04:40 AM
In my opinion most people who do not believe in God are just afraid to admit there is a higher power. Someone to answer to. Someone, other than ones self, to be accountable to. It doesn't take much to know there's a God. But what does it take to think you came from nothing? That's got to be a depressing thought in itself.
God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 06:20 AM
In my opinion most people who do not believe in God are just afraid to admit there is a higher power. Someone to answer to. Someone, other than ones self, to be accountable to. It doesn't take much to know there's a God. But what does it take to think you came from nothing? That's got to be a depressing thought in itself.
God bless! :)

Absolutely wrong! How can anyone be afraid of something that has never been proved to exist?
I dont believe simply because my logical & scientific side says so.
I suppose you believe in father christmas too eh? lmao

07-17-2012, 06:27 AM
I'll admit that the only time i wished there was such a thing is in time of desperate need.
Where there is nowhere else to turn.

Ironically, i'm completely FOR such a notion, but until it is proven then i shall remain on the non believer side of the fence.

Worshippers & regular church goers also suffer hardship ya know. Just coz you say a prayer every night that won't save you.

Tell me... what benefit is there in believing? Seriously... what?

07-17-2012, 06:30 AM
I don't believe in a god as such I'm not religious by any means but I think there had to be something that created us originally thousands and thousands of years ago . Each to their own ad I dot judge anyone on religious beliefs but I'm not a believer but I believe something created us

07-17-2012, 06:37 AM
By the way... I have a muslim friend who strictly follows the rules.
I admire some of the ethics imposed & can see much benefit in some of it.

It only becomes silly when theres talk of Allah & afterlife...

07-17-2012, 06:45 AM
Please don't take the advice from those who do not believe. If they chose not to follow God, let that be their decision but there are more believers than non and for good reason. God does not have to prove himself even though he does, it is faith in the unseen.
Anyway, I don't want to get on a rave about it. I just wanted to let u know by another person that u r not alone with health anxiety. I have had anxiety and OCD for many years. I recently have been doing better than I have in a long time. I even lowered my med dose. I have done this through positive self talk and prayer. I also know that I can go back to my counselor if I need to.. That gives me comfort and I come here once in awhile when I need inspiration. I still suffer which is why I'm here today but it will be a lifelong battle and that is how I have to look at it. Just to give u an example, last night in the tub I noticed my feet were a little swollen. I asked my husband and he agreed they were a little puffy. My next question to him was if he thought I had congestive heart failure. I am a medical coder by trade which probably isn't the best idea for me but because of my anxiety and OCD my mind always goes to the worst case scenario. I don't fear death, I fear my children growing up without a mom and I fear what my husband would do if something happened to me because my family is very intertwined.
Well just know u r not alone and together we will get through this. Also one other thing that helped me a lot was I purchased the midwest center help for anxiety CDs and that helped. I got in on eBay though cuz it was much cheaper.
Good luck!

07-17-2012, 07:01 AM
I would never judge anyone on beliefs. If I came across that way, I apologize.
I know, for certain, that God is very much alive and real. I know I can turn to Him for all my needs. The reason I shared my opinion was to answer a question at the beginning of this thread. I am not ashamed of my beliefs. I also never said that I say a prayer and feel better. In fact I said the opposite. I've been a Christian longer than I've had anxiety, so it wasn't lookin for help in this that drew me to God. It was just knowing that there is more to this life than what we see. It's all about God. It's all about getting to Heaven. It's about serving my creator who gave His life for me. How could I not give Him mine? He is love. And that's somethin that's very rare these days.
God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 07:05 AM
I would never judge anyone on beliefs. If I came across that way, I apologize.
I know, for certain, that God is very much alive and real. I know I can turn to Him for all my needs. The reason I shared my opinion was to answer a question at the beginning of this thread. I am not ashamed of my beliefs. I also never said that I say a prayer and feel better. In fact I said the opposite. I've been a Christian longer than I've had anxiety, so it wasn't lookin for help in this that drew me to God. It was just knowing that there is more to this life than what we see. It's all about God.It's all about getting to Heaven. It's about serving my creator who gave His life for me. How could I not give Him mine? He is love. And that's somethin that's very rare these days.
God bless! :)

Errrr, sorry... but HOW do you know god is a HIM? and how do you know HE/SHE/IT is real? Show me evidence...


07-17-2012, 07:14 AM
Evidence? Well just look around. How can you say there is no God? Show me evidence there's not. His word (the Bible) can not be disproved. So much of this worlds history goes right along with it, it can not ever be counted as anything but truth.
God is, was and always be, weather you chose to believe is your call.
Faith is the hope in things not seen. Just because I haven't seen a million bucks doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Oh, and as for father Christmas, well, I believe Jesus was born on Christmas. So I guess thay would make Him the father of it. Hence "Christ"mas.
God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 07:55 AM
Evidence? Well just look around. How can you say there is no God? Show me evidence there's not. His word (the Bible) can not be disproved. So much of this worlds history goes right along with it, it can not ever be counted as anything but truth.
God is, was and always be, weather you chose to believe is your call.
Faith is the hope in things not seen. Just because I haven't seen a million bucks doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Oh, and as for father Christmas, well, I believe Jesus was born on Christmas. So I guess thay would make Him the father of it. Hence "Christ"mas.
God bless! :)

I'll be back on this subject later... bit busy at work at the mo. lol

07-17-2012, 09:26 AM
Hey Stacie have you heard about Pastor Joseph Prince? I've been watching his podcasts and sermons and it his words about God really impacts me greatly! He preaches on Grace so perhaps you would like to take a look. you can easily youtube him or find his podcasts on itunes(free).

I have learnt and grown so much as a Christian after listening to his sermons!

07-17-2012, 10:20 AM
I have watched Prince. I do enjoy him! I also love to listen to Joyce meyers, and Calvin Ray Evans. These are just a few! Thanks!
God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 10:30 AM
I have watched Prince. I do enjoy him! I also love to listen to Joyce meyers, and Calvin Ray Evans. These are just a few! Thanks!
God bless! :)

Ok I will check them out :)
God bless you too!

07-17-2012, 04:40 PM
Please don't take the advice from those who do not believe. If they chose not to follow God, let that be their decision but there are more believers than non and for good reason. God does not have to prove himself even though he does, it is faith in the unseen.
Anyway, I don't want to get on a rave about it. I just wanted to let u know by another person that u r not alone with health anxiety. I have had anxiety and OCD for many years. I recently have been doing better than I have in a long time. I even lowered my med dose. I have done this through positive self talk and prayer. I also know that I can go back to my counselor if I need to.. That gives me comfort and I come here once in awhile when I need inspiration. I still suffer which is why I'm here today but it will be a lifelong battle and that is how I have to look at it. Just to give u an example, last night in the tub I noticed my feet were a little swollen. I asked my husband and he agreed they were a little puffy. My next question to him was if he thought I had congestive heart failure. I am a medical coder by trade which probably isn't the best idea for me but because of my anxiety and OCD my mind always goes to the worst case scenario. I don't fear death, I fear my children growing up without a mom and I fear what my husband would do if something happened to me because my family is very intertwined.
Well just know u r not alone and together we will get through this. Also one other thing that helped me a lot was I purchased the midwest center help for anxiety CDs and that helped. I got in on eBay though cuz it was much cheaper.
Good luck!

Thank you so much - this helps. And I do want to believe in God or a higher power. I'm trying hard to get there. Thank you (and everyone) who is supporting me
(warm hugs)

07-17-2012, 05:50 PM
Evidence? Well just look around. How can you say there is no God? Show me evidence there's not. His word (the Bible) can not be disproved. So much of this worlds history goes right along with it, it can not ever be counted as anything but truth.
God is, was and always be, weather you chose to believe is your call.
Faith is the hope in things not seen. Just because I haven't seen a million bucks doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Oh, and as for father Christmas, well, I believe Jesus was born on Christmas. So I guess thay would make Him the father of it. Hence "Christ"mas.
God bless! :)

Look around? at what? nature? materials?
All of which can be more scientifically quantified than they can of being created by some imaginary master being with a big beard.

Mind you, I do often think that our perfectly balanced earth can't have just been a coincidence?
I wonder whether in fact it's some kind of giant garden if you like, which, somewhere, at some point in time, was created by something or something(S).

Air, water, heat, light - in perfect harmony. Almost had to be a clever design, right?

I'm agnostic on that one, as I also believe that such a coincidence could occur and that circumstances just happened to fall in place.

It's the Jesus / God / love is all around us / heaven / hell / god is looking over you ... nonsense I can't swallow.
As much as you dress it up and make excuses that god cannot control EVERYTHING, it has absolutely no substance or proof behind it whatsoever and you know it.

However - I cannot disprove it, just as much as you cannot prove it.
You know absolutely NO more than I do.

Trouble is, we (humans) have become too intelligent.
Intelligent enough to be able to make up all this nonsense.

Someone once wrote a book and this book was called the bible.
Clever. Very clever... but that's all it was... just a book, made up by the most imaginary minds of their time.

07-17-2012, 06:35 PM
I respect anyone's individual belief, I also one day hope to have faith in something enough one day to answer questions but I don't believe any higher power who made our beautiful earth that he/she/it can't control all the awful things as well. Something that can make the earth, make specific species, climate, cells and organisms can't stop world hunger, destructive weather, murderous ppl ... The list goes on.

I don't see the logic in making a world u can't control, are we a scientific experiment?

I am not my brain
07-17-2012, 07:46 PM
Everyone has to do their own investigation, no one will be able to answer these questions for you.

I've took classes on evolution In college, I've took classes on science in college. These classes tried to answer questions as to how humans got here? How was the universe created? How was the Earth was created? The theories were very flawed, especially in evolution. No solid answers. The smartest philosophers that ever walked the Earth spent their whole lives looking for these answers and couldn't find them.

The human brain is so flawed, so limited. We can't even find cures for cancer and aids, we can't even travel to all the planets in out solar system, and you think science can explain these more complicated questions as to how we got here?

I believe God is not human. Like the Bible says "we were created in his IMAGE". I have faith in God, and through my investigation God definitely exists. If you dig deep enough you will find the truth which will set you free.

07-17-2012, 09:30 PM
Hope that this will not become a heated arguement. lol.
Firstly, the Bible is not written by ONE person and it wasn't JUST a book. Yes, we do not have solid evidence and we can't prove the God exists, just like you can't prove that God doesn't exist. As Christians, we can believe in Him.

Is it just a coincidence that our universe is created? If it is, why would Science exists? Take for example, Stephen Hawking's Big Bang Theory. This is not the only one plausible theory on how the universe is created.

There are just so many things that Science can't explain. They say gravity is inevitable, but who created gravity? How about the chicken and egg question? Which came first? There are always bound to be questions that no one has evidence and answers to. But I believe Religion and Science do work hand in hand,
I was once skeptical about religion before I had anxiety, if God really existed, why are there so much destruction, wars, sin etc and why would God want to destroy his creation? I was wrong. It is Men, us, who are destroying our own habitats, deforestation and such.

Sin exists because Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You might say "How do you know such a thing exist?! You expect me to believe such a thing?!" How about, how do we know exactly what is wrong and what is right? How did it originate? Who taught us? Who planted sub consciousness in us? Questions again! Lol, and I don't believe it is a coincidence. As a Christian, I believe it is God that created each and everyone of us and this beautiful universe.

This does not mean that I totally dispute Science. I believe Science and Religion work hand in hand. Without Science, I do wonder how am I able to cope with my anxiety without medication! Without the faith of my religion, I do also wonder how am I able to cope with my anxiety and live my life now!

I respect your views but I hope that you can respect our views on Christianity and not say that the Bible is just written by someone with great imagination.

I've watched so many sermons and I got to know how Great God is. He sent his only Son to died for our sins, this shows how much He really loves us and Jesus's unwavering Faith in us, how we could use our little faith to latch on to Jesus's unwavering Faith. There is just so much wonderful things about Him that I can't describe and it really changed me as a person. I know I can always count on Jesus!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Matthew 17 :20
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove from here to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

For those who believe in Him, CONTINUE BELIEVING! :) Do not doubt!

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Proverbs 3:5-7
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

God bless to all :)

ps. drcolvard.com/thtcond.pdf ---> Bible verses/ Thought conditioners that may help you! :)

07-18-2012, 12:36 AM
It took man over 60000 people to die in the revolutionary war just to make a revolution, it took God 1 man to die to make his revolution!

07-18-2012, 01:20 AM

I KNOW the bible wasn't written by ONE person. It was a figure of speech.

Someone(s) saw that man, in all his wisdom, was heading for trouble and thought "FUCK, if I don't put some rules down and ram them down our throats then I forsee a disaster coming..."
... and so the bible was born.

The "Humans guide to keeping it under to control" - if you like.

Anyway, why should WE (humans) believe that God is just for us. Perhaps because we're inherently selfish? (which we ARE)

What about animals?

Did god intend for animals to eat one another? sometimes while alive or paralysed but conscious?

As that giant, 30 foot, anaconda swollows a whole baby hippo (in front of its mother) head first - is this gods intention?

07-18-2012, 01:28 AM

In NO WAY am I knocking the intentions of the bible... or relevant, useful parts of it anyway.
There is much wisdom and truth to be learnt that could and does improve lives considerably.

(Just thought I'd re-itterate that one)

07-19-2012, 11:43 AM
Dazza, I think there is a lot of bad in this world. From babies that die to soon, to babies that are aborted in the name of birth control. There are those whose lives seem to be a wreck from day one and others that have a "silver spoon" it seems. From the beginning of man kind God has never required that we follow Him. It's free will. We have a choice. Look where our choices have gotten us as Americans! We could've done better! But, if you look as a country, or a world, or simply one person, our choices have costs. Just because I was saved by Gods grace and am trying to live for Him does not give me a clean bill of health and a rainbow every day. He says in the Bible, it rains on the just and on the unjust. No one is exempt. You can not have a loving God and a promise of a beautiful Heaven without there also being satan and a promise of a hell (that was never made for man kind). Gods grace and mercy gets me through the awful things on the news because I know that He has a plan, even if I don't see it. I only hope anyone in any stressful or depressing or scary situation can turn to Him and say "even though I can't see it right now, God, I trust you! And I know You have control!" And even if that doesn't cure the problem, which it usually doesn't right away, just knowing that God IS, and He's right there and He sees the outcome that I can't, well, that's enough for me! Maybe I have a panic disorder so I can post about Gods love on here? Who knows! All I know is God will help those who are His. Those who truly believe and ask for Him to be a part of them.
I hope each one that reads this is touched by God in some way.
God bless :)

Very well said...

07-19-2012, 03:14 PM
Very well said...

Very well made up, don't you mean? ;-)

Coz let's face it, without actual proof - one can only assume it is made up, right?

I mean, if I am to believe this... then I may as well also believe in goblins, ogres, unicorns, the tooth fairy, father christmas, ghosts, poltegeists and LORD knows what else.
(I use the word LORD in the loosest term, by the way. It's just something I say because, although it isn't based on fact, it does have a profound meaning in our day-to-day conversations)

07-19-2012, 04:46 PM
Ahhhhhh, I didn't mention UFO's because they're plausible.
(I'm firmly open-minded on the notion of other life somewhere out there)

> You know believing in a god is a very personally thing

I totally agree with this, but not in the sense of something tangible or real, either historically or presently.

I think for each individual, no matter what religion (or none), we all have our own almighty father figure to look up to, or at least, we like to think we have.
Even the hardiest of atheists will look up to the skies and thank something for the amazing gift that they have received, or, for help in their darkest hour.
I'm no exception, but this behaviour is purely emotion-driven (ecstatic or despair) and not based on actually believing I'm watched over.

I.e. I do believe god can exist in our heads. If that's what you're saying?

> I think one of the biggest things in someone believing that there is a god is getting past the "Well ,why is there so much bad things that happen" . But if every thing was good what would life be like?. Bad things happen for a reason.

Well, in my opinion, if such an almighty entity did exists... and given the amazing things he/she/it has supposedly done already, then there's no reason why such an entity couldn't end all suffering here and now, is there? Or at least help out a bit more instead of sitting on his/her/its butt & letting it all go out of control? lol

Bad things happen because they just do.

Shall we agree to disagree, else we're gonna use up all AnxietyForums server space? lol

Sorry to hear of your past suffering by the way.