View Full Version : Anyone else in my shoes?

07-14-2012, 07:42 AM
Well im 21 and have suffered from anxiety for a couple years.... main fear is death and convincing myself somthing is wrong with my heart lol.... been to the doc several times ..... anywho i have been doing GREAT the past couple months.... i was doing so good that i had zero chest pressure and my resting heart rate was down to 60.... normal anxiety day is normally 72... i use to ALWAYS check my pulse... anyways i didnt realize how bad i was always because i got use to the heavy chest and normal anxiety i have... well the normal days are back .... heavy chest and resting 72 heart rate it all started back when i was racing my truck and hadthe biggest adrenaline rush ever...... just getting very discouraged and dont understand why it has came back.... i was so proud if myself for finally enjoying life again and its kicked me right in the bean bag again.... i also.have another question my is it normal to have anxiety for week and months on end? Obviously those weeks and months straight where i have normal chest heaviness and resting heartrate of 72 were bc of anxiety ... i thought that was normal unti i had that 2 weeks of zero chest pressure and resting heartrate of 60 and wasnt anxious.... thanks guys kyle

07-14-2012, 08:17 AM
All are classic anxiety symptoms. Although I don't remember checking my pulse that often.

Those adrenaline rushes affect me when I play certain computer games too which is mega frustrating.

I had an attack around 2 weeks ago that I was nearly certain it was real and I called an ambulance and everything and funnily enough there was nothing wrong with me.

You would feel ordinary for hours If it was a real heart attack. if it's something that creeps on you and it slowly progresses within a short period of time i wouldn't worry at all.

I have a mega crap diet at the moment. Eating junk, Eating coke not a whole lot of water and I panic that I will die of something failing in my body because of that limited supply of water.

I am a recluse atm and going through mostly after effects of that anxiety but I still fear for my health.

07-14-2012, 10:17 AM
Wait... you eat junk and don't drink enough water yet you fear for your health?

Errrmmm... forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but, there seems to something wrong here? lol

07-14-2012, 10:28 AM
Haha thats what i thought dazza but you think my problem is still anxiety? Whats your input?

07-14-2012, 10:45 AM
Sounds like anxiety alright.

Chest / heart are usually the first parts of our anatomy that are affected during times of stress / anxiety.

Chest pain is usually adrenlin causing the chest wall muscles to tighten. Mostly on the left side and under the left arm-pit.

BUT, as always, anything "chesty" or "hearty" should always be thoroughly checked by a doctor before assuming anything.
Likely-hood is you're perfectly healthy, though.

Although we should always keep in touch with what our bodies are telling us, try not to get obsessive.
Checking your pulse every 5 minutes is a waste of your time.

Fact is, if you're REALLY ill... you'll know about it. If you're not, then just get on with life...

07-14-2012, 10:50 AM
... oh, and as for fletch...

STOP eating the junk for fook sake. This'll make you worse, physcially and mentally.

There's no harm in the odd big Mac but get plenty of fruit & veg down ya. Your farts may stink but you'll feel like new in no time, lol

Honestly! how on earth do you expect to get better when you're doing the exact thing that is causing half your mental problems???

07-14-2012, 10:59 AM
Dazza ive been to the doc 2 or 3 times and to the er once.... all checked out good....

07-14-2012, 11:13 AM
Well then... get on with life and stop fretting ;-)