View Full Version : You win anxiety!

07-13-2012, 09:49 PM
I thought I had a handle on my anxiety but I didn't. Now I'm in stomach pain and anxiety is taking over. Why can't I catch a break!!!! I know I was close to getting my life back but it's not the case. I FAILED.

Feeling so alone and confused. I wish my family and/or friends understood what I was going through, this nightmare of mine. Not one has said something like "it's going to be OK." Something so simple can mean so much in a time of despair. They all just look at me like I have some type of contagious disease.

For the first time since my first anxiety attack, I feel depressed!!!

07-13-2012, 10:14 PM
It's going to be ok :)

07-13-2012, 10:16 PM
It's going to be ok and anxiety won't last forever. It will pass!! Dont let yourself be so negative!! You will get passed this and be on your way of happy living. Stop thinking negatively. Every time I do I get the stupid anxiety.. It won me tonight for sure, but I am trying to stay positive. You are going to get through this, we all are!


07-13-2012, 10:24 PM
Thanks guys, I'm glad this forum exists. I may not know you guys but I know you understand me. Your right, we are all going to get better and one day, we'll laugh about how we almost gave in to a bluff!

07-13-2012, 10:39 PM
Yes we will! :-) hang in there... What are you doing to try and help yourself?

07-13-2012, 10:45 PM
I'm taking Xanax and drinking lots of chamomile tea. Also, exercising and deep breathing.

This week my stomach has been killing me. I feel constipated, diarrhea, bloated and slight fever at night. Don't really think its anxiety related. My doctor is doing an ultrasound tomorrow morning.

07-13-2012, 10:51 PM
Maybe the Chamomile tea actually. Maybe not drink so much of it. Or a stomach bug of some kind. This could be why your anxiety has flared tonight and given you a bit of depression. Stay calm, get some sleep and may you wake up a new man!! 🙏

07-17-2012, 01:53 AM
it always upsets me when people react like this to people with anxiety...I am fortunate in that my mom went through all the same things I did and knows how to help me, but I had quite a few friends who just looked at me like I needed to be locked up when they found out about my anxiety and depression issues. what I find helps is, I explain my "mental issues" to people and I'm not shy about it at all. I feel more people need to have a clear understanding of what it means to have a panic attack or be depressed. So I educate everyone whether they wanna hear it or not. It's hard to do at first cause it involves being open and vulnerable about a very personal issue, but I've learned to have no shame. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and in fact, I embrace it. :) now, the same friends who looked at me funny are calling me for advice because they've recently experienced panic attacks! So keep your head up :)

07-17-2012, 10:29 AM
Hey carlos! Hang in there. Anxiety has NOT won! Even the moments when you are so sure you will never get through this and return to normal, you need to keep going, because i PROMISE you that you will!! After 3 months of anxiety hell, i started to give up and considered taking my life but im just so happy that i decided not to because now my life is back to normal. You just have to stay strong as much as you can...keep your daily routine as close to normal as well. The days i stayed inside obsessing over my bodily sensations were the worst on my anxiety. On the other hand, the days i went out with friends or family or exercised to keep my mind busy were my best days.

07-17-2012, 11:26 AM
I agree with hope. Anxiety has not won. Trust me, I know how u feel. Like there's no way u will feel normal again. You're not alone. All of us here understand. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to message me or anyone on here. I"@ definitely talk to u. Being able to talk to someone who understand ls help. My family just thinks I'm crazy and that nothing is wrong with me. It sucks. Just hang in there buddy. It will get better.

07-17-2012, 11:34 AM
Thank you guys! I'm having a great morning so far, I'm full of energy and I'm ready to make everyone around me smile!

Hopenfaith, I'm happy for you! I'm glad your feeling better :) your right, we have to spend more time with friends and family!