View Full Version : How do you deal with Competition?

07-13-2012, 05:41 PM
I'm not a competitive person. I've never been into competitive sports, when my parents made me play soccer as a kid, I would just go use the bathroom or get water while the games or practices were on. I do however enjoy a board game called Settlers of Catan.
My dad, much like my brother's girlfriend, gets very angry and sighs whenever he isn't winning. I live at home with just my mother and my dad, for a game that requires 3 players. I love this game, but my dad's hypercompetition is ruining it for me.
How should I deal with competition in this less severe scenario and more severe scenarios of competition in the future?
I become very anxious when I feel people are becoming competition because the teacher who harassed me was ultra competitive about everything and my brother's girlfriend, who also has harassed me is hyper competitive about everything no matter what. She and he always had to be the best at everything and thinking about it or being near people who are even half as competitive makes me incredibly anxious.