View Full Version : An Anxious Valentine

02-13-2007, 07:40 AM
With valentines Day just around the corner how is everyone coping with the expectations. I suppose I am lucky I have a wife so as long as I remember I am usually ok. But of course being a worrier I still worry I wont get her the right card/present. For example this year I am having flowers delivered to her work and now I am worrying... Did I address them correctly (i.e. to her not just to the address) I didn't get a recipt what if they dont get delivered.. etc. and what if she doesnt like the flowers what if it is a bit pridictable.

Some funny love related quotes.

"If someone breaks your heart,
just punch them in the face.
Oh sure, it seems obvious now,
but you'd be amazed at how many people don't think of it when it's relevent.
Seriously, just punch them in the face
and go get some ice cream."

Her: If i died, would you re-marry?
Him: Probably
Her: Would she sleep in the same bed?
Him: Maybe
Her: Would she use my toilettries?
Him: No way
Her: Would she use my golf clubs?
Him: No, she's left-handed
Her: *silence*
Him: SHIT!!


"Cupid is my homeboy!" :wuv:

02-13-2007, 11:12 PM
I'm sure your wife will love the flowers! You've put a lot of thought into it as well, so that should mean a great deal to her.

I'm not feeling any pressure this Valentine's Day. I'm single. I'm actually thankful for that at this point in my life because I know I would feel stressed if I had to get all dolled up and go to a crowded restaurant tomorrow night. I have gotten much better in the past couple of years, but dating still scares the crap out of me. I go out for dinner with friends and my ex-boyfriend quite often, but I would be very nervous about going out on a FIRST-DATE. That was nerve-wracking enough BEFORE I started having panic attacks.

My plan for Valentine's Day is to treat myself to something nice. It turns out it's remarkably easy to get a last-minute appointment at a salon on Valentine's night (cuz most people have dates!), so I'm going for a new colour and an eyebrow wax. Happy Valentine's Day to me! :D

I hope you and everyone here has a wonderful day... and don't let all the unreasonable expectations bring you additional anxiety. It's just another day, after all.