View Full Version : Has anyone been in this similar situation before?

07-12-2012, 09:40 PM
Hello! I'm new to the forum and I'm a student and I'm having my summer break at the moment :-) I was recently (a month and a half ago) diagnosed with anxiety. I'm currently seeing a psychiatrist and I'm on low dosage of valdoxan and seroquel. I am to take Xanax when necessary. So every now and then before I go out with my friends I will pop a xanax to make me calm. My psychiatrist never actually told me what kind of anxiety I had but I believe I do have generalized anxiety disorder.

After approx 2 weeks I felt like I was kind of back to my normal self, I was able to go out with my friends and have a good time but I had to take xanax(0.5mg) before I went out.

To cut the long story short , I'm in an organizing committee for a camp and we had to stay over for a few days to prepare for the it. The camp was in the evening and I took a xanax before I went. I was suppose to take my meds every night but I skipped that night. I felt completely alright the entire night and I was actually enjoying myself because I knew most of the people there. We slept at about 7am lol and woke up and 9am. I still felt ok. The next day more people arrived(I didn't really know them). In the mid afternoon I felt a little weird and strange but I ignored it. After that we to the open field to play games. I started to perspire profusely and none of the people there were actually perspiring! A few of them asked me why I was perspiring so much I didn't know what to answer so I said the weather was hot and humid. I felt like I was losing focus but I forced myself to continue to play the games and pretending I was having a good time(pretending to smile) but I wasn't! The time was passing so slow and I felt like everyone was watching me. (Has any one heard of the fight-or-flight response?) I felt embarrassed and really conscious of my actions. Till then, I know I couldn't do it anymore, I walked back to one of the rooms and just bawled my eyes out. My close friends were there but I didn't tell them about my anxiety. I just told them I had urgent matter to settle and had to go home. They were really helpful and supportive and even wanted to send me home.

Has anyone ever encountered a similar situation before? I kind of fear how people in my school will see me from that day onwards (besides my group of friends). I read online that most people will not notice that you will have a panic attack or anxiety attack is it true?

Currently I'm finding other ways besides popping pills to help me battle anxiety. I have been reading up positive thinking books and book which helps me learn more about my situation. I am a Christian and this episode of anxiety(sadly not over :-() has made me grown in Christ too!

07-17-2012, 11:02 AM
I know exactly how that felt!! I work with our church at a 5 day overnight camp. Since the panic started I can't teach, but I do night guard. Even then I get their camp fire and hot dog roast ready, then stay up til 5-6 am in case of emergency. While others have told me they didn't notice when my attack started, it felt like everyone was staring! The sweats, the racing heart, etc.... I have also read that it is the fight-or-flight response. It does make sense.

For me I worried so much that I wasn't doing enough to help out at camp, it takes alot! And that made me panic even more. Then God showed me that I can't do certain things right now, and that's not what's important. I do what I can! Not everyone can do the same things. Some preach, some sing, some have beautiful testimonies, but if we all did it all, well, then what would make each one so special?

So that's how I get past some of it now. I teach a grade school class at church. Sometimes that gets hard, but I try to focus for the kids. Seems like knowing someone is depending on me helps.

Hope this helps??!!

God bless! :)

07-17-2012, 11:15 AM
Try not take Xanax, it's hard to get off it (speaking from experience). When you get an anxiety attack, accept it. Don't fight it, the anxiety will pass through your body, don't add that second fear to the anxiety. The second fear being the "what if" and "oh my god here it is again" questions.