View Full Version : Dizzy, lighteheaded, loss of perseption?

07-12-2012, 06:09 PM
For the past month I have been getting dizzy spells or lightheaded? I dont think its one of those its a bit strange. Sometimes when im walking i feellike dizzy but then i have to take like a double take to see if it happens again... i dont really know how to describe the feeling but its driving me nuts... maybe my blood sugar is too high?? Please helpppp

07-12-2012, 10:37 PM
I have the same problem, sugar level came back fine. It's anxiety. Sometimes when I'm walking I get a dizzy spell, its annoying but I just let it pass and move on.

07-13-2012, 02:18 AM
Definitely anxiety. I get dizzy spells when i do any certain thing for too long. Example: laying down reading. Sitting in class paying attention. Focusing on a conversation with someone. Sitting at a restaurant longer than an hour. Driving for too long. Any time i focus for too long or sit still for too long i get dizzy and have to do something to get rid of it like get up and walk around. So annoying.

I did find out that im anemic though. I had a funky never ending period that screwed up my hormones and made me anemic. As a result i had a bad bout of anxiety! Its been alot better since starting birth control and iron supps. Might be something to look into if you are female

07-13-2012, 02:57 AM
I I have been getting same thing- and the more u think about it the worse it gets and the more u notice it . And when ya not thinking of it , u will get dizzy anyway , anxiety is a terrible thing but I just think to myself " it hasn't hurt me yet so it won't " plus I have been getting head aches alot but it's related to sinis . I had a brain scan three years ago and it came back clear except for bad sinus so I know it's nothing like a tumour .
But yeah the dizzy part is hell annoying - and does anyone else notice it more around other people for eg walking through a shopping centre . Ya prob don't even know but it's prob related to your breathing ya start tensing up . Just try to relax but yeah I know it's harder then usual - also I feel weird in the head sometimes it's hard to explain but just doesn't feel right .

07-13-2012, 02:14 PM
hey thanks guys for replying. yea i still have the dizziness and what not. i thought it could have also been from my ghetto cheap glasses. but i guess i will just deal and maybe it will stop pissing me off. doesnt happen when im on ssri's . hopefully being put on new ones next thursday.

Happy Friday the 13th :)