View Full Version : Please help

07-12-2012, 04:56 PM
Have recently been getting a sharp and almost burning pain on the inside of my elbow. It is normally accompanied or followed by pain in my upper bicep and a pain and same burning feeling on the back of my hand. It comes and goes. Yet i can't get it out of my head that it's a blood clot or something sinister. I am making an appointment with a neurologist because I had just went to my doctor for body numbness, but can't get in to see him right away. I'm trying hard not to freak out but this is very new to me. It all started when I got an MRI and the lady had to give me an IV. I don't have a problem with needles or blood but for some reason it freaked me out a little, I get scared of air bubbles or needles breaking off inside me. I can't ignore the fact that it's only sprung up since they said my MRI was good. Anybody have/had this? Your words are appreciated.