View Full Version : Losing it

07-12-2012, 01:50 PM
Hi all, I am from Ireland and I am 34. I am convinced I am dying, having such a bad day/night

For over 6 months I have been having chest pain (only the right side) there is no pattern to it, no matter what i eat/drink or time of day.

Also having upper back/neck pain, same as before, no pattern to it.

I am convinced it is lung cancer (heavy smoker since I was 14) and that it has spread to my lymph-nodes and that I am basically about to die

So far in last 6 months I have:

Had many appointments with my GP

2 chest xrays (all ok)

Blood tests (all ok)

Ultrasound (slightly enlarged spleen, 3mm polyps on my gallbladder, visible blood vessels on my liver) apparently that is all just co incidental and isnt a problem

Doctor thinks I am fine and possible anxiety (i do have a history), but have been referred to chest specialist in hospital just to check and try and find out what is going on.

I am going mental with this, can this really all just be anxiety? I am getting so bad that I just think sometimes why wait to die, just do it now

07-12-2012, 01:55 PM
Sounds like it sure could be anxiety to me. You do indeed sound distressed so come right out and talk to your doc about this. Alankay

07-12-2012, 02:00 PM
It's anxiety, pure and simple. If it were lung cancer, believe me, you would KNOW. And your doctor would have definitely picked up on it. Anxiety can cause a huge amount of symptoms. When your body's fight or flight system is constantly on edge or engaged, your heart works to pump more blood and your muscles tense up to run or attack. Obviously you aren't doing either of these, so it results in soreness and pains.

I know it's tough, but you need to stop worrying. You most certainly 100% do not have lung cancer. And it should just be a reason to quit smoking at some point so you never get it! I know quitting can be tough while anxious (I'm a smoker too) but it's a sure way to avoid lung cancer.

07-13-2012, 02:24 AM
My sis had lymphoma at 16 and she only found out because she tore her shoulder out of place and when the ER xrayed it, it captured part of her lung in the xray and the radiologist happened to notice a mass there. Without that she never wouldve known. Stage 3. She did have a mild chronic cough as well but never did anything about it.
Cancer is detectable in blood tests and when you feel lousy your doc will test certain levels like white blood cells etc to see if you are fightin anything and they will act on anything that doesnt look right. If you have all good bloodwork all good xrays then relax! You are fine. Not trusting your doctors is one of the irrational symptoms of anxiety