View Full Version : Vitamin d

07-12-2012, 12:19 PM
K so does vitamin d deficiency effect your panick attacks? I had blood work recently and came back very low for vitamin d .... Any info would be great thank you Tiffany

07-12-2012, 12:54 PM
I may be completely wrong - but personally I cant see how vitamin deficits cause anxiety?

You're looking in the wrong place I reckon.

Anxiety is mind driven...

07-12-2012, 01:46 PM
Yes it is mind driven , but lack of something could potentially cause the panick .... Exz if I don't get enough sleep I'm more likely to have a bad day, or of I havnt eaten right for the day ... Vitamin b 12 can help with panick .... So I have to disagree

07-13-2012, 01:13 AM
> Ask yourself this also If it is solely mind driven then why is it the someone can take a SSRI and the problem goes away ????


Don't know much about SSRI's but aren't they antidepressants?? In which case, I don't get your point since of course antidepressants will work as they
affect the MIND.

When we first experience anxiety / panic attacks we dunno what on gods earth is going on, so we assume something physically terrible, right?
Most of us will immediately switch to a healthier diet, take vitamins, stop drinking and so on in a desperate hope to "get better"

What we don't know in the early stages is it is a brain malfunction. An over-exaggeration & innappropriate fear.

Yeah, OK, changing our lifestyle a little and taking vitamins may help us a little in terms of general health - but it isn't the cure.
That's what I was saying.

My post was short because it was from my mobile, so apologies for the abruptness of it.

07-13-2012, 01:17 AM
I have to add that just the act of putting half a diazepam in my mouth has actually prevented a panic attack.

I.e. just by popping a pill has a phsychological effect, before I even swallow it!

(Again, 100% proof to me that it's in my head)

07-13-2012, 02:28 AM
I have to add that just the act of putting half a diazepam in my mouth has actually prevented a panic attack.

I.e. just by popping a pill has a phsychological effect, before I even swallow it!

(Again, 100% proof to me that it's in my head)

Lol, i know what you mean. Just having my xanax in my pocket wen i go somewhere calms me down. Or if i swallow a CHIP of a xanax when panicking (less than 0.125mg, not even enough for me to feel it) i instantly feel better. So ridiciulous and all mental

07-13-2012, 10:18 AM

> Its not real a inappropriate fear , i for one think it is a misunderstood fear .When my started i was so shit scared i think the way i was reacting with fear was correct , it was only when i saw it for what it was that that changed.

Ooooh I concur with the "shit scared". What I went through in the first 2-3 months is beyond description.
Every day believing I was about to have a heart attack and ultimately die - life doesn't get much scarier than that.

Weird thing for me was, I was already (long before this shit kicked off) fearing for my health somewhat (for no actual reason... more of guilt than anything).
I was also morbidly interested in heart attacks and had seen a few YouTube clips of footballers having heart attacks on the field.
Questions had been building up in my head... about life, about death, about the meaning of life and so on.
I was already in a fairly bad place and I guess I was creating my own self-fulfilling prophecy...

It took a shooting pain down my left arm one night to fire the anxiety starting pistol... and OFF I went...

The desription "innappropriate fear" is, I agree, a little ambiguous since actually it IS a VERY REAL FEAR.
What makes it innapropriate is the fact it consumes our everyday life... for a very long time.

I'll conclude that i'm SO fucked off with this now. I'm normally such a balanced, laid back guy but this bastard is one tough opponent!