View Full Version : What a terrible day.... Help

07-12-2012, 11:12 AM
Hi guys-Haven't done too bad today until my sister had an allergic reaction to food- as there's been a question mark over if I have multiple allergies because I'm a little on the red side and keep itching after eating- and I'm petrified of anaphelectic shock - my brain automatically associates an allergy with anaphalectic shock and nothing else. I've been itching like crazy even in the bath! And my paranoia has kicked in n I've just made 20 different cups of tea because of worrying about contamination of some kind- I can't cope no more I'm loosing it -help

07-12-2012, 11:58 AM
Well if the itching is associated with your panick you can take Benadryl to see of that helps . I would deffinatly talk to your doctor , or a therapist . I myself deal with panick on a daily basis , I over think everything . But I've never delt with allergic reaction panick. You really need to talk to a specialist though . My therapist helped me so much in my time of defeat ... Are you taking any meds? Or are you afraid to?

07-12-2012, 12:08 PM
Well if the itching is associated with your panick you can take Benadryl to see of that helps . I would deffinatly talk to your doctor , or a therapist . I myself deal with panick on a daily basis , I over think everything . But I've never delt with allergic reaction panick. You really need to talk to a specialist though . My therapist helped me so much in my time of defeat ... Are you taking any meds? Or are you afraid to?

Hi pawlowski187- unfortunately antihistermines make me itch that was one of the first things to start off my itching-I'm on the waiting list for an allergy specialist and for therapy but they're long waiting lists- my doctors not sure if it's pure allergies I have or my anxiety- no I'm not on medication I'm too scared to take anything

07-12-2012, 12:16 PM
Well I used to be afraid to take medications to , especially if I read the possible side effects. But I have to say that if I didn't take my meds I'm on now then I would be in a mental institution .... It's one of those fears I had to face and just get over, I didn't have a choice but to live or die. I live in Oregon and they have an emergency mental health clinic . You might want to check into your city's mental health resources . Ther has to be something out there to help u now! Even the er has emergency mental health departments .... Don't be ashamed, I've done it..... You'll get threw this , in time this to shall pass ... But you have to stay strong and fight your thoughts. Itching can be braught on by panick . Your mind is very strong , it can Couse random pains or symptoms, especially when you fear certain things .... Like an allergic reaction ... Your mind will actually cause your body to produce symptoms the same way from the thing you fear exz .. Heart attacks, brain tumor, asthma attack , allergic reaction .... But you need to really try to find someone to talk to

07-12-2012, 12:23 PM
Well I used to be afraid to take medications to , especially if I read the possible side effects. But I have to say that if I didn't take my meds I'm on now then I would be in a mental institution .... It's one of those fears I had to face and just get over, I didn't have a choice but to live or die. I live in Oregon and they have an emergency mental health clinic . You might want to check into your city's mental health resources . Ther has to be something out there to help u now! Even the er has emergency mental health departments .... Don't be ashamed, I've done it..... You'll get threw this , in time this to shall pass ... But you have to stay strong and fight your thoughts. Itching can be braught on by panick . Your mind is very strong , it can Couse random pains or symptoms, especially when you fear certain things .... Like an allergic reaction ... Your mind will actually cause your body to produce symptoms the same way from the thing you fear exz .. Heart attacks, brain tumor, asthma attack , allergic reaction .... But you need to really try to find someone to talk to

Yes it's the side effects that do it with me too- I live in London and am not aware of any mental health emergency unit here unfortunately- I agree with you totally about the mind it's extremely powerful- which is why in my sensible head I've got a feeling its anxiety ridden.i can feel myself getting worse as the days pass and I feel like I'm being backed in a corner

07-12-2012, 12:28 PM
Well there's never a corner you can't back yourself out of! Remember that! If you ever need an ear just message me .... You'll be fine .. Tiffany

07-12-2012, 12:36 PM
Thanks for that Tiffany x