View Full Version : newbie - need some advice

07-12-2012, 10:01 AM

I came off citalopram a few months ago but had a really bad panic attck 3 days ago which to be honest hasnt left me. The doctor gave me my citalopram back again but as it will take a cuple of weeks she also gave me some diaz 2mg, I took 1 mg and then took the other half later on. This seemed to take the edge of my anxiety.

Later on in the evening I took a whole 2mg and went for a lie down as I felt another panic attack coming on, I could feel the diaz vs the panic but after a while i started to feel ok again.

WELL!! This morning I got up with that familiar tight feeling in my chest and the threat of panic looming, a took a 2mg and 1 hour later I was still anxious so I took another 1 mg and it completely knocked me out, Im very thin and obviously the dose was too much for me but my anxiety was still there but in a confused and fitful half sleep. anyone had this with diaz?

Also I have no appitite AT ALL the thought of eating is making me feel sick but I havent eaten for nearly 3 days now and I dont know whats causing it?

Please help me guys, I have a 3 year old boy who means the world to me and I need to be normal for him, also my husbands not very good at understanding whats going on with me and just wants it to go away!

07-12-2012, 10:54 AM
First off I would talk to your doctor and let him know what's going on ASAP with your med. second there's a bunch of natural anti anxiety things out there you can try... Lavender oil works great and camomile tea, also melatonin at night . There all natural. The not eating can be a side effect from your medications. I get it with cymbalta. But you have to eat and drink lots of water or you will only worsen your anxiety. I take cymbalta and xanex .5 and it knocks the anxiety rite out. But I also take all natural things to. Exsersize . Deep breathing techniques, good sleep, are all part of helping control anxiety. It might take some time, but you'll find something that works for you. Plus remember its all in your head! You have to retraine your thoughts in order to get it under control. I've sufferd panick for 8 years now, I know exactly what your going threw . Message me anytime :)