View Full Version : Strange feeling in the head/ anxiety

07-12-2012, 06:40 AM
I am 30 years of age and suffered from anxiety since the age of 18.
And of late I have had a strange feeling in my head hard to explain justs doesn't feel right and obviously the more I worry the worse it is . I had a brain scan 3 years ago so I'm not concerned its a brain tumour I know it's in my head but anxiety is hard to over come and also has anyone felt weird walking around in a big shopping centre , get what seems to be light headed and feel weird etc . Feel free to chat and let me know if anyone has been through similar thing

07-12-2012, 07:11 AM
I thought I had a brain tumor 10 years ago, I had cat scans and mri and was constantly running to er. I had a wierd feeling in my head, it was very frightening. It was all related to my anxiety disorder(for me) the physical symptoms of the anxiety had me convinced constantly that I was dying of something. I am in that stage right now, have been for 8wks. I am afraid that I am dying and I know most of it is anxiety and i have ulcers. I say get checked out, if all is ok then you know it is anxiety and remember anxiety can make you have all kinds of strange feelings in the body. good luck.