View Full Version : After 4 Months Of Anxiety....

07-11-2012, 09:50 PM
The heart palpitations have decreased, I'm able to control my anxiety/panic more and I've reduced Xanax from .50 to .25mg. I've made progress but there are some other issues now. I feel bloated sometimes, I get sharp pain in my right shoulder (around the shoulder blade), right and left arm, right and left chest, and stomach area. Dizziness has increased somewhat so have I really made progress? Tell me what you guys think? Thank you.

07-11-2012, 10:01 PM
When did your heart palps start? I just developed them and I'm having a hell of a time trying to be ok with them. But you say yours are going away? What did your docs say they were and do you take anything for them? I've also been dizzy for months on end which is what started the anxiety! Take it easy. Do you only get dizzy when your panicked? Or could it be an ear thing?

07-11-2012, 10:11 PM
The heart palps started 4 months ago when I first experienced my anxiety. Three ER visits later, all doctors confirmed I had a normal heartbeat and attributed it to anxiety. I still get them occasionally but not as severe. Now it feels like a quick shot of adrenaline to my heart, arms, and chest. It doesn't last long but it stills shocks me for a minute.
I drink lots of chamomile tea, xanax, plenty of exercise and a better diet.
I've wondered about the ear thing, I'll have to ask my doctor on my visit and i'll let you know =)

07-12-2012, 05:09 AM
Sounds like you are moving forward. The simple fact of starting to control the anxiety is a major step forward. Once you can control it, it will no longer control you.

If your like me, I get different breathing patterns when I am anxious, this causes me to take in too much air even though I feel like I am not getting enough. This causes me to get some dizziness.

07-12-2012, 07:46 AM
Yep I noticed it too, shortness of breath does lead to dizziness.
Lately, I've also noticed my anxiety hits as I wake up in the morning. Not sure why that is but its irritating to wake up to anxiety.