View Full Version : Im new here, not quite sure :S

07-11-2012, 04:43 PM
Hello, Im Anna-Lea, i have anxiety issues, OCD and other things.
(I'm not really sure what I'm suppose to do here but i shall just explain everything)

When i was younger (about nine-ten) i suffered a stomach bug which lead on to anorexia and anxiety. I had a constant fear if being sick so i chose not to eat or drink therefore becoming anorexic and dangerously underweight. I got sent to psychiatrist and he helped me through everything and i got over it :)
But now I'm twenty and really struggling, i have severe panic attacks, worry to the stomach 24/7, i get side affects like a tight throat etc. To top it all off, i am in constant fear of germs, there for i have developed OCD ( CONSTANT hand washing and washing of clothes, checking everything is correct and how it should be etc.)

I just wonder, is anyone else in the same boat as me?!
Support would really do me help right now, i get so much support and reassurance from my boyfriend, friends and family but i need someone who fully understands how painful this all is!
Thank you :)

07-11-2012, 05:16 PM
Anna, have they tried luvox with you? Alankay

07-11-2012, 05:17 PM
welcome! :)
Ok i have the same phobia and have had the same issues with anorexia because of it. It's called emetophobia, fear of vomit/vomiting. I have never talked to anyone with this phobia and i would like to talk if you dont mind about our same issues.. feel free to message me. i am also in the chat quite often you can find me there.


07-12-2012, 12:35 PM
Alankay, i have not tried any medications for my issues yet! I was at the doctor today and he suggested to work my way up treatment, if needed. He suggested i visit Big While Wall, which is run by the NHS, it is the same as this and its very helpful and supportive :)
Also, i went and bought myself some herbal medications such as, Kalms tablets and Rescue Remedy Spray, i haven't got round to the tablets yet but the spray works a wonder, tastes a bit funky but works very quickly for me :)

Claire, of course i would love to chat!!
Ive never met any one who is the same as me! :D