View Full Version : Chest Fluttering

07-11-2012, 03:56 PM
I have had this for a very long time now...my heart has been listened to and had a quick ECG but at the moment (for the last hour) have been have chest fluttering. I have been checking my pulse and my heart beat is so irregular. Beating quickly for a few beats... then pausing (feeling it in my lower chest/stomach) then beating again. My anxiety/panic attacks aren't helping as I am worrying more. I am so scared that my heart is going to stop or I have a serious problem with it. I hate all of this :(

07-11-2012, 04:31 PM
Can I ask... do you feel calm / perfectly OK just BEFORE this occurs? or do you recognise that you are feeling perhaps on edge BEFORE it occurs?
Just before this occured, what were you thinking of? (can you remember?)

Sounds like your heart is a little aggitated - easily done during times of stress / anxiety.

Go to the docs tomorrow to put your mind (and heart) at rest, but for now, can I suggest you try your damn hardest to relax.

Sit back on a sofa as comfortably as you can, loosen up your whole body (I mean... let you arms rest by your sides / let them hang).
Completely relax. Blank your mind or think of good things (such as a golden corn field swaying in the breeze on a perfect summers day)

Sip some water from time to time.
Close your eyes if you have to.

Totally relax. Leave the days events behind you and concentrate on the calming scene.

You should find that your anxious symptoms should pass.

Don't worry. As uncorfortable as it feels - nothing bad will happen.

07-11-2012, 05:31 PM
I've had my heart flutter a lot of times! Now only if I could beat these damn headaches and derealization!!

07-11-2012, 06:09 PM
I have heart palps all the time. they take your breath away and are very frightening. I have been checked several times for it. most common causes...caffeine, nicotine and stress. you can stop them, relaxation breathing or laying on your left side and totally relaxing your body. i cut out caffeine and nicotine.....i still have them but not as much.