View Full Version : Time of day....

07-11-2012, 01:56 PM
What do you guys think?

Is your anxiety worse at different times of the day?

If so, is there a reason?

07-11-2012, 02:15 PM
Whilst my anxiety is constant to some degree, I can say for sure that its normally bad around 5pm everyday. I've no idea why.

07-11-2012, 04:37 PM
Hey....funny I was thinking about this the other day. My anxiety seems to be with me right up untill I have my tea at night then settles down and feel more normal at night. Strange...

07-11-2012, 05:04 PM
For me, it's always right before bedtime.

07-11-2012, 05:25 PM
For me it when i first wake up till about noon

07-11-2012, 05:28 PM
I imagine some if not most of us will probably have some kind of mental, anxious association with a certain time of day for our own reasons.

E.g. some people dread bedtime / some dread going to work in the morning and so on.

I wish I'd kept a diary of my anxiety. (If you don't - you should)
This will help create a picture of what's going on in your life, and perhaps help in preventing certain anxious situations.
(If nothing else, it would help reassure you that indeed you have anxiety disorder)

Mine is pretty random and entirely depends on what's going on around me, but if I were to say any time was worse than others, it would have to be around 10/11am.

Why? well, I think it's the fact that we (humans) are at our most alert around this time and therefore are at our most energetic.
Anxious folk could do without too much energy because energy means adrenalin... and we don't want too much of that now do we? :-O

07-11-2012, 06:03 PM
I have anxiety all day long. But normally worst at night. i don't sleep and have panic all night.

07-12-2012, 01:20 AM
I am going to go ahead and say that for me night/early morning is definitely worse. like around this time, actually...I woke up about 20 minutes or so ago in full blown panic attack mode, lovely