View Full Version : worst panic yet

07-11-2012, 12:23 PM
I just had the worst episode I have ever had. I recently started taking zoloft again. Before i did ok on it but then i felt ok to ween off. Now that I have been on it for less than a week it seemed to be ok until today. I walked in the house from a few errands and got light headed. My sides of my neck hurt. And my left ARM was tingly an I almost think my left vision was blurred. I am terrified and have work in an hour. What if I had a stroke? Ever since I read an article about jack osborne and how he has ms. I think I may possibly have that as well. Please someone help I cannot calm myself even after taking my usual.1mg xanax.

07-11-2012, 12:24 PM
can you take a hot bath?

07-11-2012, 01:26 PM
I just looked up side effects of zoloft and all of these can be them. So I grin and bear it? I'm at work. For 3 hours. Seriously why me? I just got an ekg and chest xray and testing so I know its not my initial Omg I'm having a stroke. But what about ms? Seriously I should have never read that article about jack osborne. But how was I to know the things happening to him sound like my symptoms. Ugh when will it end! And heck no I can't take a bath.