View Full Version : Any advice, please?

07-11-2012, 08:24 AM
Hi to anyone who reads this, Im 14 and recently watched a horror movies a few months back. At first it didn't bother me but when I got up after the movie an immense wave of fear and dizziness hit me, I was terrified I didn't know what was happening, and I eventually found anxiety disorder on the internet and the symptoms fit like a glove. The symptoms have been getting better and the anxiety attacks are less frequent but most of the time now It feels as lf I have a fog over my mind and it feels really surreal. Ive been having bad insomnia and not sleeping because Im afraid to sleep because I have constant nightmeres and sometimes when I wake up after sleeping I feel like im still in a dream. I get scared when I tend to think about the symptoms, I constantly have "What if.." Thougths that freak me out, sometimes when I have an attack no matter how hard I think "calm down man its just the anxiety" I have negative thoughts I can't control. And this is really hard for me because before all this started happening I was always "Macho" Nothing scared me you know, allways doing dangerous stuff, laughing at stuff my friends what think was scary and now I feel so helpless... I just don't know what to do. Please if someone could help me, or tell me what I could do to recover, or get rid of it please. Mainly Id like to know also if anybody gets that dream state feeling and like a fog over there mind? And what they do to help it or make it go away? Every night I go to sleep I just wish I could go to sleep and wake up feeling like I use to before all this in the morning, but I guess its not that simple. :(

07-11-2012, 11:33 AM
Hi :)

I'm sorry to see your suffering ATM Hun. I'm Amy, 26 and mine started a little but like yours. I already had it quite badly but then I went to see one of the final destinations and it freaked me out so badly (not the thing to do when you have anxiety, watch ppl die in freak accidents!!) that I became agoraphobic. I was pretty convinced I'd die by walking outside,, always felt the constant fear as you do. I went into therapy and a course of medication, not from the movie but from how I was feeling before the movie but made worse by the movie lol really hard to explain, you may just need a little reassurance hun. Do you still function normal? Is it affecting your day to say routine?

I hope you feel better soon


07-11-2012, 06:23 PM
Yes, the what ifs are terrible. And i know what you mean by feeling like you are in a dream or a fog. Some of that is lack of sleep. I have not slept in 4 days now and my anxiety is out of control and I feel like I am in a dream...like everything that is happening around me, I am not part of. Like I am not really not part of it. I have panic and anxiety disorder with OCD and phobias. I suggest you do a few things, talk to your family and get some sort of support team, see your PCP, find a therapist and find your routine...the things you need to do to take your mind from it and keep you grounded. I get on the computer, i play alot of mind games(sudoko,mag jong, bejeweled) i try and clean or organize things...these are just examples. I hope it helps. I hope it gets better and easier soon.

Serenity 7
07-11-2012, 06:53 PM
i know exactly what you mean by the foggy feeling.you need to speak to somebody.dont bottle it all up,there is help availible.and your not alone