View Full Version : Relationship OCD/Texting/ Anxiety Attacks

07-11-2012, 05:56 AM
Hi All,

I'm new here and after some help as I'm suffering badly with anxiety attacks. It's due to relationships mostly, and I've had it for a long time now, but it's the feeling that someone is going to leave you or walk away from a relationship and it makes me panic and feel sick, churning stomach, etc. My parents split twice when I was a child and I think that has something to do with it.

At the moment I'm (sort of) in a relationship with someone who is going through depression too, and we have decided to remain friends for now and then go out to the movies at some point in the not to distant future. We don't live near each other which doesn't help. I know the signs of depression and he's had most of them although he's slowly getting better.

In the meantime I'm getting obsessed with any sort of communication, including texts, and if he doesn't text back within a reasonable time I start freaking thinking he's not interested, to Facebook posts, etc. I know it's not healthy, we both need time and he is slowly getting better. I feel I can't switch off my brain at night, and I'm exhausted in the morning. These feelings have happened to me before and I know I need to learn to deal with this but today is a bad day. I feel tense, like everything is hanging on a thread (which it's not as he said he wants to stay in touch), exhausted, etc. He told me his head was in a mess and it was never me, he still thinks of me and cares for me, etc, so why can't I believe him and move forward and live in the here and now and not the past or the present?

I need to take a step back and calm down but wondering how to do this.. sorry this sounds like a total babble! Just wondering if this is a "normal" reaction in terms of anxiety.... I have been learning CBT but it's not helping much.

Thanks for reading

Serenity 7
07-11-2012, 06:46 PM
yip it is.constant worry about something ,or even nothing in particular.i constanlty think my pets are ill.even when i know deep down there fine.you sound like me.find it hard to relax.lack of sleep just intensifies our anxiety.so try relaxation before sleep.says me that replying to you at 1.45 am.lol.are you on any meds ?