View Full Version : Help! Please tell me this fear will go away!

07-11-2012, 05:11 AM
I am new to this. I have been experencing anxiety since I had my first an only panic attack August 2010. I had a lot of stuff going on at that time. But ever since then I get the irrational thoughts of fear..here are some examples. I seen an ant in my house and I thought oh what of I become afraid of ants and I'm never able to leave my house again?... What if I stop loving my son?? (which would never happen) what if I am OCD???..what if I am Sctso?? (not sure if I spelled it right) and what if I have a fear of opening my eyes??? (seen a tv show about it) most recent one a week ago I seen a spider in my house.. First thought in my head was what if I have a panic attack?? What if I develop a fear of spiders??? What if I see another one and I freak out?? What if I always worry about this?! What if these thoughts never go away??? I have worried about this for a week straight with very little sleep.. I have seen spiders since then I killed them and moved on but then my anxiety kicks in with all those thoughts of What If I really am afraid of them?? What if I always have tear thoughts every time I see a spider?? I didn't freak out by seeing one or killing it but my thoughts are making me think I am afraid or will become afraid of them if I see another one... Please tell me this is just anxiety thoughts?? And that my fears won't come true?? I feel like I'm going crazy over these thoughts all day every day?? I have these thoughts all day...and they get worse at night

Serenity 7
07-11-2012, 06:50 PM
your anxious about getting anxious.if that makes sense,i did the same.and still do a wee bit.but im trying to control.when you have these thoughts.just say to yourself nothing bad will happen