View Full Version : Need to get through

07-11-2012, 12:50 AM
Hi everyone I'm new here and just need to some words of wisdom to get me through today x suffered with anxiety since 11 now 30 and my latest episode happened a month ago just after promotion and had two weeks off which didn't look good! Gone back to work and now have a fear off staying away from home don't know why??
I'm away for two nights with work and it's awful. Cried last night wanting to come home in my room and got one more day and night to get through on this conference with work. Advice please x x x

07-11-2012, 10:43 AM
I understand what you going through. Its going to be okay. Do you trust God? If you do, then you have nothing to worry about. I know it's easier said then done, but just try to mediate or listen to gospel or very soothing music to calm your nerves. You will be fine. You will be back home soon.

07-12-2012, 01:06 PM
Hello SunshineSarah!
All you need to do is breath and relax, take your mind off of it by doing something you will get lost in! Play a game on your phone, think about family and friends, maybe give them a call! take a long relaxing bath, read a magazine! Theres lots of things you can do, you just have to remind your self to relax :)
You will be ok, i get the same feeling when i am away from home!
All you need to remember is, you will get there, always. You can apply that line to anything, running up a huuuuge hill, you will get there! Wanting to go home, you will get there!!
Just relax, you home isn't going to run away!!
Think on the bright side, a new view out of your window and no mess you HAVE to clean up!!

I hope in a way this helped!!
Anna-Lea :)

07-12-2012, 03:02 PM
Thank you so much for your support. Got home tonight and I feel like been to hell and back! Feel drained doc thinks I need to see a phsychiatrist he is going to refer me. My work won't put up with me not coping when away x just feel low and deflated x don't want my life to be like this want to feel free from anxiety x

07-12-2012, 03:29 PM
Wonderful, nothing like sleeping in your own bed, ay?
Its normal to feel low and deflated after something like that, for me it is anyway :) just get all cozy in bed and have a good nights sleep!
Its always good to get some progress in, i hope the psychiatrist works well for you :)
This will all be over soon, like i said, you will get there :)