View Full Version : Trying to get help

07-10-2012, 09:06 PM
I had some anxiety and a couple of panic attacks an for a while some depersonalization now I'm a lot better I just constantly have headaches and I feel really nauseated for no reason has anyone else had this I take ibuprofen but sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't can any one help

07-10-2012, 09:27 PM
I just recently had the nausea and headaches so bad i went to the ER and then neuro. Had a CT and MRI but found nothing thank goodness. The nausea has gone away but the head pain/pressure is still there. Gets worse as the day goes on. Feel like I have a cap on my head if that makes any sense. Today I tried to sit out by my pool to relax but felt so horrible I thought I might have to go back to ER. Finally settled down. I am trying a chiropractor and found Aleve works a little better because Advil did nothing. As i sit here and type I have shooting pains in my head! This is horrible!

07-10-2012, 09:27 PM
Banana peel tea has been helping me. I know it sounds gross but it works. 1 cup every morning, I just google banana peel tea and it's the first link is the one I use.

07-10-2012, 09:34 PM
Thanks I'll try anything this is so miserable and it seems like it happens every evening