View Full Version : Today has been a blessing so far

07-10-2012, 08:30 PM
Have been on my cymbalta for 2 days now, yesterday was bad.. Had a panick attack while on a walk and woke up at 4 am with another. Today went out of town , did take .5 xanex but didn't even get a panick urge. Feeling kind of out of my mind as far as being a little loopy but I've made it one day with no panick. I hope I can do the same tonight . Did some breathing techniques today and drank allot of water. I'm praying it will get better from here on ... Many more prayers would be appreciated :)

Justin S.
07-10-2012, 08:56 PM
Thinking about you. Keep it up!

07-10-2012, 09:21 PM
Yay congrats! You can do it! Keep up the positive attitude!

07-11-2012, 12:03 AM
Thank you all for the support and encouragement . I'm sure you know how greatly it is appreciated to know there are people who u don't even know out there that listen and comfort u in a time of need! Thank you so much

07-11-2012, 02:47 AM
We all go through times of what feels like temporary insanity lol. Just got out of a bout myself, and it was total hell. A few months of panicking daily, racing thoughts, feeling disconnected from everything, constantly obsessing over what i was feeling. Made me confined to my house. But i promise you will get thru this. It feels impossible, feels never ending and scary. But its not. In fact one day when i had lost all hope, and had spent all day crying, i just felt a little better. Then the next day a little better until now when im back to the old me. I have only bad memories of that experience. I went to a very dark place, but im so glad i faught through it and never did anything stupid (not going to lie it got to the point that i found that suicide made sense, when all my life before that it didnt. I never could understand why anyone would want to but then i could). Im very glad to be here :) im back in touch with reality and the people around me. You will feel back to normal too. I promise you. No matter how bad it gets/feels just remember it really will pass!! Its not just bullshit

07-11-2012, 08:08 AM
Thank you. I've been scuicidal and my anxiety and panick seem to subside then come back full force ! This is the worst it's been , even effecting me to go out with my family... I know this to shall pass, it's just getting to that point that is harder for me this time .... People wish for money, a relationship, a job, while I prey and wish to just be happy and normal again

07-11-2012, 10:58 PM
Thank you. I've been scuicidal and my anxiety and panick seem to subside then come back full force ! This is the worst it's been , even effecting me to go out with my family... I know this to shall pass, it's just getting to that point that is harder for me this time .... People wish for money, a relationship, a job, while I prey and wish to just be happy and normal again

I know! I used to feel the same way. I thought how much i had taken for granted just doing normal things. I stopped being able to go out to ea with my family and doing things with them. It was so depressing. But like i said, it went away and itll go away for you too. Are you seeing anyone about this?

07-11-2012, 11:11 PM
I was in counceling for post traumatic after a incident at work. See I work in health care which is all the more reason I need to get back to normal. But I was in counceling for that and was doing great. But I recently lost health insurance. And xanex seems to be the only quick fix during a actual panick attack . But it's so hard to get a doctor in Oregon to prescribe that because of all the drug abuses in my town. So I'm having to buy them from people :/ it's awfull I know , but I need my sanity back