View Full Version : Do I have an anxiety disorder?

02-12-2007, 09:21 AM
thank you -edit

02-12-2007, 10:07 AM
Hi Chad. I'm not a doctor, but that sounds like anxiety to me. I had similar fears when I was a little girl. If I bumped my head on something (just a little bump), I was afraid to fall asleep because I thought I would slip into a coma and die. I can also remember lying in bed listening to my heart beating because I was afraid it would suddenly stop.

My anxiety didn't become a big problem -- a disabling problem -- until I was 30, but when I look back I see the roots of it. Getting some therapy early on before things spiral and get worse is the best course of action. It's good that you're still at a point where it's not interfering with every aspect of your life. Talk to a doctor about it, find a book on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and read it cover to cover and work on the strategies in it. I'm sure someone here could recommend a good book. If you're able to find a CBT therapist, that could be very helpful to you. It's awesome that you're seeking help now. A lot of people wait until the anxiety has taken over their lives before trying to get help. It's hard to admit you have an anxiety problem. You're ahead of the game, so your chances for getting hold of those fears, challenging them, and getting that anxiety under control are very, very good. All the best to you!

As for reading definitions of anxiety disorders -- that's tricky. People are individuals and anxiety manifests differently in all of us. It took me a long time to admit I had agoraphobia because so many books told me it was a social anxiety disorder. I had always been an extremely self-confident, outgoing person, so I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that I -- of all people -- could have a social anxiety problem. I read too much into the strict definitions. If anxiety is stopping you from doing things and causing you worry, it's worth getting treatment for it -- regardless of the definition.

02-12-2007, 11:28 AM
Yes you have an Anxiety Problem, But you already knew that didn't you. That's why you found this site. Dont worry it doesn't mean you are mad or mentally ill. It is a natural reaction all you need to learn is how to cope with it. The fears you have are in small doses natural. However us anxiety sufferers tend to ponder much longer on such issues. We fall into a cycle of what if thinking... what if I die? What if I have a heart disorder? then you cach what I call Cybercondria. Looking up every little sypom we have to see what could be wrong. If it is heart palpatations - Heart Failiure, If it is a headache - Brain tumour and so on.

The first step to recovery is accepting that you have the problem, only then can you begin to challenge your negative thoughts and begin to feel better.

We'll be here every step of the way, take the opportunity to speak to those with similar issues. Finding you are not alone will help with acceptance. Any questions just ask.

Stay Strong

Duncan :)

02-15-2007, 12:12 PM
However us anxiety sufferers tend to ponder much longer on such issues. We fall into a cycle of what if thinking... what if I die? What if I have a heart disorder? then you cach what I call Cybercondria. Looking up every little sypom we have to see what could be wrong. If it is heart palpatations - Heart Failiure, If it is a headache - Brain tumour and so on.

^ Thats me in a nutshell the past few weeks.

02-15-2007, 12:28 PM
ooh my....you sound exactly like me. If you want, you should talk to me sometime. I think it helps to know someone else feels the exact same. my sn is kaylasaurusfever. :)