View Full Version : brain just did something weird, freaked me out!!!

07-10-2012, 08:29 AM
Okay so Day 142 (estimated) of my anxiety i had a mega terrible day of eating which included having a fish paste sandwich and pizza and coca cola and just a second ago my brain did a really weird thing which freaked me out and my eyes went all trippy. I haven't had alot of water to drink today but it still was mega scary. Has anyone else had this? Through bad eating or is it something as a symptom of anxiety?

07-10-2012, 11:53 AM
You probably almost fainted but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Before I got on my anxiety medication I had a few times when I had had caffeine or sugar and had an attack where I was breathing oddly and almost fainted. You're fine! It's just anxiety. But I would stay away from caffeine and sugar!!! Root of all evil for problems.

07-10-2012, 12:15 PM
> But I would stay away from caffeine and sugar!!! Root of all evil for problems

Good advice for anxious folk... but doesn't it make ya wonder why 30 stone, wobble-bottom, cake eating lard-arses aren't dripping with anxiety!? lol